Originally Posted by WormFisherman
I just started getting into using live bait, but have no clue what I can and can't do. Theres a stream right next to my house full of creek chubs and I'm wondering if I can use them as bait in a different river. I looked online and the only thing I found closely related to this was that I can't stock any fish. Any help is appreciated.
chub are legal-
The following are defined as baitfish by New Jersey Statute: Alewife (anadromous and land-locked forms), blueback herring, golden shiner, banded killifish, mummichog, spotkin killifish, rainwater killifish, American brook lamprey, fathead minnow, bluntnose minnow, stonecat, tadpole madtom, margined madtom, all shiners, daces minnows, chubs and the American eel.