In the best interests of ALL and a conversation with Capt Howard and Capt Tony Bogan.
Myself, Capt Fran and RFA-NJ have decided its just not worth the punishment tomorrow. Forecast is E-SE 19-26 knots in the AM footers at 5 seconds and just gets worse from there going to E-NE 21-29 knots with 7 footers @ 7 seconds. The boat can handle it but 16 OZ of lead if your lucky and a few fish even with these guys talents.
Therefore the trip for tomorrow is OFFICIALLY cancelled.
We are discussing reschedule dates and Sunday July 29th looks like it could be the date but I will confirm shortly.
Sorry for the inconvienence and if you cant make the new date when its confirmed let me know and we will handle the payment / refund accordingly.