Re: RFA-NJ 4th Annual Fluke / Seabass Fish A Thon Trip
List updated.
Thanks guys for trying to bump the trip and get your fellow fishermen motivated. These trips are not for everone and thats OK. We will get to a number that works and have PLENTY of room to throw our arsenals at those fluke Bastads.
Just an opinion on Human Nature and Fishermen which I believe we are all a little guilty of.
- Its summer and prime fishing season so our thoughts are mainly on what is at hand in the present and what we are fishing for today, tomorrow or next week.
- The regulations are certainly still flawed but we dont have any closed seasons or horrible size / bag limits so we naturally get complacent.
Thats a problem because its whats next or whats around the corner that scares the hell out of me. I think we need to keep the pressure on the flawed data, get flexibility in MSA, Stop Catch shares and keep NJ the PRIME fishing state it has become.
These trips are all about that fight plus they are just plain fun and fishing with great people who share the same respect for our fisheries.
From an RFA-NJ Email blast on the trip as quoted below.
"All proceeds from the trip will benefit the RFA-NJ chapter and will be used towards the chapter's ongoing efforts to preserve the fishing rights of New Jersey's anglers, which includes working towards scientific research as well as supporting lobbying efforts for legislation supporting the RFA mission statement."
Get in on the action while it's hot, and help support your right to fish!
With 26 guys on the trip after the boat, crew tip and lunch / beverage costs the proceeds would be about $260.00 plus whatever the 50/50 and raffle brings in. You decide.
RFA-NJ Member