Originally Posted by hammer4reel
Since the Sandy hook reef , and Axel carlson probably get as Much or more traffic than most of the other reefs combined I think it is not a great bill by any means.
should be getting gear off ALL the reefs
Does not work that way. Even the bill that was introduced a few years ago does not remove gear from anything other than the two state reefs. The state has no jurisdiction over reefs in federal waters as to gear management. Once a bill, any bill, passes then you must go to the MAFMC and request SMZ status for the reefs in federal waters.
No matter the bill that fact does not change.
Amazing how each seperate fishing group is putting their own spin on this issue , as seeing the RFA ia saying its removing all but 1 percent from reef total , when the Northern reefs are going to have all of that gear in total .
The same would be true with the older bill. Anyone telling you otherwise would be incorrect.
and saying the reefs are most utilized in may to October 1 when the reefs are used alot more for Blackfish in November and December seems like the RFA is really starting to pick only what they want to see in the bills , and not what benefits everyone .
The facts would support the RFA stance and not yours. The level of effort and participation in this state and most every other state in the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions is May through September. You would be hard pressed to see more boats on the reefs or anywhere else in Oct. or november.
Boats fluke and sea bass fishing on the reefs in the spring and summer outnumber the total number of boats even in the water in october and november.
Sorry, but your statement flies in the face of what most fishermen already know and what every stat you can think of says.
More people fishing the reefs in the fall and winter??? Nope, not in this state.
Looks like I will be joining the guys to rethink whether the RFA is actually working to benefit everyone here equally or just those that have their own agenda
Perhaps now that you have some of the facts you will reconsider that position.
By the way, I have not even read the bill so i cannot say if I support it. I am only commenting on your comments, which have nothing to do with the bill itself and are also not supported by the facts.