Re: Puosu 4
We have a great group of prospective PUOSU Wanna-Be for the trip
We have some great donations and raffles
We have a great boat, captain and mates
We have a prime weekend date in December - this season has started like gang-busters
We have some dynamite food planned
We have 3-4 bushels of white-leggers to go along with the boat's greenies
We have promises of some over the top libations
We'll even get to see the Garone Special Wedding Gift FinS got from his wife!!!
We'll see LAB pay ToggyTime 4 1/2 months late on a bet; then collect that same $20 back!!!
It's shaping up to be a great trip; good fishing and a great chance to put faces to some of the members we read reports from all the time. Hell, we've even got a handful of professionals on this trip - see if they can catch as well as they can put their own fares on the meat???
We even have 80% of the fares in.........If you haven't paid yet and have changed your mind, please let me know ASAP so I can fill your spot.
SO - Today's question?????? The House will entertain all answers/replies; WHAT COLOR COMBINATION FOR THIS YEAR'S CROWN/HAT??
p.s. I will be presenting the PUOSU I Champion with a Philadelphia Flyers colors hat as we didn't have that tradition on the first trip!