wensday 8/31 - went to a new little underfished lake which i will not reveal the name of. caught 4 bass and 2 pickerel on wacky worms and an inline spinner. had to leave early due to ravenous mosquitos attacking me

. heres the biggest bass, a short but fat 2 pounder:

thursday 9/01 - fished a new spot on the millstone river some guy told me about, for some catfish. it was a huge bolder covered in poison ivy but the fishing was pretty decent. caught a bullhead and 3 channel catfish, one being 4 pounds. i decided to fry em but unfortunatley, it tasted like dirt

. no pics sorry
friday 9/02 - fluke fished the Squan' inlet and redemed myself from getting skunked last time in july. got 10 shorts and 2 keepers, an 18" and a 18 3/4" and some snappers

. tons of snappers biting my gulp, its really annoying after a while.

one of the short flukes, along with a snapper, spat the hook after i hauled it over the bulkhead, and fell in the flooded ditch behind the wall, never to escape