blackened see bass
Blackening Seasoning:
1tsp Black Pepper
1tsp White Pepper
1tsp Chile Powder
Pinch kosher salt
1/2tsp Rosemary
1/2tsp Thyme
1/2tsp Red Curry/madras curry Powder
1/2tsp Smoke Habanero Powder (optional)
2-3lbs sea bass filets (scaled-skin on)
melted clarified (drawn) butter
Combine all ingredients and spread on paper plate. Start by dipping both sides of sea bass in melted drawn butter. Then dip both sides of fish in seasoning. In a black iron frying pan, heat some melted drawn butter until just smoking. Drawn butter is necessary as it has a higher smoking point and won’t burn as easily during blackening. Once pan is very hot place bass skin side down in smoking butter. Sear for 2-3 minutes per side depending on thickness of filets. If fish is very thick you can either cook longer per side, or place entire pan in 375deg over to finish cooking. This helps keep the smoke level down in the kitchen! I like to serve the dish with a lime/mango salsa or other fruit salsa as this helps knock down the heat/spice a bit if needed. Coconut Basamati rice is an excellent side to complete the dinner.
Capt Dan