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Old 06-16-2011, 05:39 PM
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JoeLongo JoeLongo is offline
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Default Re: Bridgewater, NJ bass pond help!!!

Originally Posted by Moz
There's some drainage pond between the Bridgewater Commons Mall and the Commons Village but I don't think there are any fish in there. It was only built a few years ago, I suppose it could have been stocked, but I've never seen anyone fish there. It would be pretty wild if there's fish in it.

To the East of the Mall is Washington Valley Reservoir and the bass fishing there can be decent. Figure a 10+ minute drive to get to the main park's parking lot and a little under a 10 minute walk to the shore access on the other side.

Round Valley Reservoir Boatramp area is probably a 25 minute ride up 22 from there.

North Branch where Cuz mentions would be the quickest option for fishing but not really good for bass.

I work over there on Somerset Corp Bld. It is funny you mention this pond. For the first time today i drove past chipotle heading towards the mall and saw it. Looks fishy, wouldnt be surprised if there is anything in there. Not sure about getting down to it, but where there is a will there is a way
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