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Almaink 07-21-2014 10:36 AM

Intersex fish
Not good and I hope they can stop it before it's to late.


Eskimo 07-21-2014 09:03 PM

Re: Intersex fish

The fish’s endocrine system, which regulates hormones and reproductive systems, is being thrown off by the estrogen and estrogen-like chemicals being dumped into the water through both agricultural and human waste, such as manure and human waste water, along with synthetic chemicals coming from plastics and pharmaceutical chemicals that act like estrogens, such as the ones found in birth control pills.
I wonder if this issue is happening in the Passaic River. I've never seen a river with more sewage discharges than that river. The town I grew up in has one. The town I live in now discharges into the Passaic, too.

Sometimes I don't feel like drinking beer, but then I remember the pike and smallmouth bass, who need water to swim in. Then I gladly down a few beers and help keep the river water levels high!


Dave B. 07-22-2014 08:07 PM

Re: Intersex fish
Unfortunately this isn't something new to the scientific community and fisheries biologists. Here's a link to a 2005 article that gives some correlating data as well as connecting knowledge of this problem clear back to the mid/late 70's.

Yet another manner in which we're destroying the environs we love and need to survive. Sad.

buzzbaiter 07-22-2014 08:59 PM

Re: Intersex fish
I need to make sure my waders don't leak otherwise I may start having menstrual cramps...

GetANet 07-22-2014 10:04 PM

Re: Intersex fish
Sad, how the actions of some people who don't give a crap affect so many others. It's all about the Money and it always was and always will. Thanks Andy!!!!!

buzzbaiter 07-23-2014 07:43 AM

Re: Intersex fish

Originally Posted by GetANet (Post 366918)
Sad, how the actions of some people who don't give a crap affect so many others.

Actually we all give a crap in more ways then one...

GetANet 07-23-2014 06:32 PM

Re: Intersex fish
Give it a rest Bro! It's getting soooooo OLD!!!!

buzzbaiter 07-23-2014 08:31 PM

Re: Intersex fish

Originally Posted by Eskimo (Post 366726)
I wonder if this issue is happening in the Passaic River. I've never seen a river with more sewage discharges than that river. The town I grew up in has one. The town I live in now discharges into the Passaic, too.

Most if not all discharges are monitored by the NJDEP via permit system. Our rivers are pretty clean overall but this hormone thing opens up a new can of worms. State or Federal will first have to establish limits and then require testing of all discharges either direct or indirect from STP. Then there is all the people with septic tanks and leaching fields. This stuff may end up in our underground aquifers - water we shower in and drink from:eek:

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