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kmaty 12-07-2013 04:55 PM

found em!
Hit one of my usual haunts only to catch a pickerl and a crappie decided to switch gears and find some fish. So i did a lil maneuver and switched poles up to the 7ftr. Me using anything heavier than a ultra light is like snow on christmas in Florida. So i start making cast into and over some structer and with a lil tweaking and figuring out their depts and what way they were laying it was game on! Ended up with 6 pickerl 9crappies a few perch a large mouth and then to top it all off and the high light of the day was a whopping 3ft pike! Almost lost him to a to some structure but let him swim out and landed him. Picks were few and far between today as the phone was left in the car after a week from hell at work great to be back on the lakes and some r and r. Jjfishy im guna pm you. Heres one pickerl and a crappie[URL=http://s1311.photobucket.com/user/Kmaty123/media/Mobile%20Uploads/CAM00191_zps39769393.jpg.html]http://i1311.photobucket.com/albums/...ps39769393.jpg[/URLhttp://i1311.photobucket.com/albums/...ps0f679e8b.jpg

stevejordan 12-07-2013 05:51 PM

Re: found em!
1 Attachment(s)

PGAProfishional 12-07-2013 06:13 PM

Re: found em!

Originally Posted by stevejordan

Love it!

Nice Pickerel....fatty!

jjfishy 12-08-2013 12:11 PM

Re: found em!

Originally Posted by kmaty
Hit one of my usual haunts only to catch a pickerl and a crappie decided to switch gears and find some fish. So i did a lil maneuver and switched poles up to the 7ftr. Me using anything heavier than a ultra light is like snow on christmas in Florida. So i start making cast into and over some structer and with a lil tweaking and figuring out their depts and what way they were laying it was game on! Ended up with 6 pickerl 9crappies a few perch a large mouth and then to top it all off and the high light of the day was a whopping 3ft pike! Almost lost him to a to some structure but let him swim out and landed him. Picks were few and far between today as the phone was left in the car after a week from hell at work great to be back on the lakes and some r and r. Jjfishy im guna pm you. Heres one pickerl and a crappie[URL=http://s1311.photobucket.com/user/Kmaty123/media/Mobile%20Uploads/CAM00191_zps39769393.jpg.html]http://i1311.photobucket.com/albums/...ps39769393.jpg[/URLhttp://i1311.photobucket.com/albums/...ps0f679e8b.jpg

Great job Kmaty! I got ur message, thanks!

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