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Gerry Zagorski 11-23-2013 09:29 AM

Site Issues
Been a week from hell for me... Site goes down and while beating my head against the wall, I miss an important appointment because my watch stopped working. Seemed like everything I touched broke... I was feeing so jinxed I was afraid to go to the bathroom. Talking to a friend telling him how my week was going and say to him half joking "what else could go wrong" and the next minute I get a text from my wife telling me we have no power at the house :mad:

Well the sites back up, power back on in the house and I get to buy a new watch :D

Thanks for all the phone calls, texts, emails and Facebook messages and posts. I appreciate all the support and patience while we sorted through the issues. Funny how some people were dealing with this... Most did not know what to do with all their spare time. One guy actually discovered he had a wife, 2 kids and a dog :eek:

We've had to make one significant but hopefully temporary change to the site. For now, we have locked any new regsitrations to the board. What caused our outage was an inordinant amout of Spammers attempting to register on the site. That was causing a large amount of new user verification emails to be sent which set off alarms at our hosting company so they shut us down.

Got to do some noodling on how we will handle new registrations.. I'm so wiped out right now I need to take some time to think about that with a clearer head so more on that to follow.

Rob B 11-23-2013 11:05 AM

Re: Site Issues
Sounds like you need some fishing time and a few stiff cocktails.:D
with the cell phone off.

HDMarc 11-23-2013 11:30 AM

Re: Site Issues
I'm glad you got the site up and running Gerry, I actually got some work done this week while the site was down;) Maybe in the future, be it temporarily or permanent, new members need to be sponsored by an existing member to avoid going through all the spam and fraudulent member requests...just a suggestion.

PaBeerGuy 11-23-2013 12:55 PM

Re: Site Issues
I was wondering what was up.:confused: But I was in Seattle on business and just figured the hotel I was staying at had problems. I'm glad to see we're back online. Must be hell figuring that stuff out. Damn spammers.:mad: Why can't people just play nice?

Jay 11-23-2013 02:27 PM

Re: Site Issues
Hang in there Gerry, you could definitely use a drink. I was going through NJFishing withdrawal...

Take a kid fishing 11-23-2013 02:31 PM

Re: Site Issues
Glad it's back up and all your issues resolved. Thanks for the extra effort. ;)

TimM 11-23-2013 03:07 PM

Re: Site Issues
Thank God it's back up. Those spammers are the same A-Holes that made it un-affordable to go see a concert or ball game , because they buy all the tickets and then put them on stub - hub . Same guys that stole my email...etc , etc.

Maybe Judgement Day , I'll get a chance to settle the score ..:D

See what a few days without the site does.


june181901 11-23-2013 03:29 PM

Re: Site Issues
Buy a Timex or Casio for a watch replacement as they stand up to salt water.

tropics 11-23-2013 03:35 PM

Re: Site Issues
Gerry nice job staying on top of the problem, Thanks
I can see if it happens again your hair will be the same color as mine:D

AndyS 11-23-2013 05:33 PM

Re: Site Issues
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