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1captainron 08-21-2013 06:55 PM

FISHERMEN/Wednesday's Fishing Report..7 lb. Pool Fish!
10 Attachment(s)
Started the morning with not much action on the last of the incoming. Waited it out till we got some outgoing, had a shot of nice fish once again but not the action of the past few days. Current got way too fast so we took off for new bottom.

Left a 2.4 knot current to only find barely a drift....but we did catch some fish!
Some beauties once again including our 7 pound pool winner.
Billy had 4 nice keepers followed by Scott and Vinnie with 3 and so on. Still had many with just shorts and some customers with none.

Tough fishing with too much and not enough today!
Back at it tomorrow.

1captainron 08-21-2013 07:01 PM

Re: FISHERMEN/Wednesday's Fishing Report..7 lb. Pool Fish!
1 Attachment(s)
Sorry Scott, almost missed your pic!!:D

vinntastic 08-21-2013 07:18 PM

Re: FISHERMEN/Wednesday's Fishing Report..7 lb. Pool Fish!
Jumped on the fishermen solo and I was welcomed by all fishing Buds,it was nice to buck tail next to people that no how to fish, but it was a tuff bite today so you had to work your ass off to get them in the icebox, gave it hell but fell short.Anyway it was a good time with good peeps and lots of B Busting to make it a fun day..Thanx guys can't wait to do it again;)

Fisherman120 08-21-2013 08:31 PM

Re: FISHERMEN/Wednesday's Fishing Report..7 lb. Pool Fish!

Originally Posted by vinntastic
Jumped on the fishermen solo and I was welcomed by all fishing Buds,it was nice to buck tail next to people that no how to fish, but it was a tuff bite today so you had to work your ass off to get them in the icebox, gave it hell but fell short.Anyway it was a good time with good peeps and lots of B Busting to make it a fun day..Thanx guys can't wait to do it again;)

Were you fishing next to Eddy and Rob?

Lol @ Scotty, he wears the same thing every Wednseday :D

vinntastic 08-22-2013 05:36 AM

Re: FISHERMEN/Wednesday's Fishing Report..7 lb. Pool Fish!

Originally Posted by Fisherman120
Were you fishing next to Eddy and Rob?

Lol @ Scotty, he wears the same thing every Wednseday :D

Yup that was me, and that is Scotty's lucky fishing gear I guess;)

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