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buzzbaiter 07-13-2013 03:01 PM

Passaic PB largemouth and a few others...
Caught pb largie out of the PR last evening. A real solid 20" that went 4lbs even. No pike - not even a swipe. Water is still too high for my liking but its getting there.

Today I hit a local pond in am and a local river in the early afternoon. Got some more nice largies in the pond and the river produced dozens of smallies up to 16"

Mosquitoes are atrocious this year. The cutoff, shallow ponds left behind when the PR recedes are perfect for them. I had to wear my waders, rain jacket and a head net just to keep them off me. Only thing exposed was my hands and I sprayed them with OFF!. It worked but I was sweating like a hog. Worst I've ever seen them.


tjc76 07-13-2013 09:52 PM

Re: Passaic PB largemouth and a few others...
thanks for the report, and nice slideshow

Eskimo 07-13-2013 10:01 PM

Re: Passaic PB largemouth and a few others...

Nice pics. 20" is a monster bass!

The mosquitoes really are awful this summer. The mesh head-net I bought at Cabelas last summer turned out to be a great investment.

Mike S. 07-13-2013 10:42 PM

Re: Passaic PB largemouth and a few others...
I need to pick up one of those mesh face covers because the Mosquitos where I fish on the Passaic have been unbearable. My face and hands are the only parts of my body exposed and they take full advantage

Skunk City 07-14-2013 11:51 AM

Re: Passaic PB largemouth and a few others...

Originally Posted by Mike S.
I need to pick up one of those mesh face covers because the Mosquitos where I fish on the Passaic have been unbearable. My face and hands are the only parts of my body exposed and they take full advantage

Kayaked the entire Great Piece Meadows stretch of the Passaic yesterday and you are absolutely right about them targeting hands and face, absolutely miserable at times!

buzzbaiter 07-14-2013 08:46 PM

Re: Passaic PB largemouth and a few others...
The Passaic is the worst for leaving behind pools of water where the mosquitoes breed. I parked in a industrial complex over in Montville and cut through the woods to the river. In a short distance of about 1/4 mile, there where about 4 'ponds' all a few inches deep and nasty looking. They were all dry last summer and bugs were not an issue at all.

On the bright side, the river level keeps dropping, weedbeds are up and the baitfish are everywhere.

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