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problemfisherman 04-13-2013 10:28 AM

Opening day 8lb Brown & 4lb
Started fishing at 8am at west Hudson park in Kearny, nj using power bait on both rods and had no bites for a half hour granted there was 340 trout and 30 breeders in the small pond! Some young kids started fishing 20 ft To my right and not more than 15 min BaM!! He landed a 3 lb brown and not long after that another big brown so I quickly changed over to my spinners and sure as shit not more than 10 min I landed the 4 lb Brown and about 45 minutes later the 8 lb hit the spinner! That was the biggest trout I ever caught and that morning I saw about 12 big Browns caught and not one of the smaller trout of the 340? Wonder why? Anyway it was a great opening day for me! Keep on fishing!!!

problemfisherman 04-13-2013 10:37 AM

Re: Opening day 8lb Brown & 4lb
1 Attachment(s)
Picture of the Browns,
25.5 long

bigfishy 04-13-2013 11:22 AM

Re: Opening day 8lb Brown & 4lb
Nice report!! Congrats on ur personal best brown...Now get back out there and top that 8lb. mark:D

AndyS 04-13-2013 03:00 PM

Re: Opening day 8lb Brown & 4lb
WOW, as a kid I fished that pond in Kearny. Lotsa carp is what we used to get there. I guess it's good the State is stocking breeder sized trout in Kearny, who woulda thought. Nice haul there.

ithaca10 04-13-2013 04:46 PM

Re: Opening day 8lb Brown & 4lb
won a fishin contest there 57 yrs ago tuned down the first prize which was a lionel train set for a mitchel 300 reel and rod. 4 catfish and 4 sunfish took the contest.

FASTEDDIE29 04-13-2013 05:11 PM

Re: Opening day 8lb Brown & 4lb
Nice big trout! That had to be tons of fun!!!

muskynut 04-13-2013 07:48 PM

Re: Opening day 8lb Brown & 4lb
wow....awesome....congrats! Capt. Dave:D

action 04-13-2013 08:48 PM

Re: Opening day 8lb Brown & 4lb

Originally Posted by ithaca10
won a fishin contest there 57 yrs ago tuned down the first prize which was a lionel train set for a mitchel 300 reel and rod. 4 catfish and 4 sunfish took the contest.

now thats cool fishing in your blood.got to love the old 300 the train set wood of ben nice thow

Blind Archer 04-14-2013 11:55 AM

Re: Opening day 8lb Brown & 4lb
Last year, a small lake in farmingdale was stocked with the breeders. I watched for an hour and a half before the opener as cormorants ate one after another of the 10 inch fish. If they were feeding for the entire 2 weeks after stocking , there couldn't have been too many left . I noted that nearly all fish caught were the breeders also.

problemfisherman 04-14-2013 01:05 PM

Re: Opening day 8lb Brown & 4lb
Funny that you mention the comrants there was 5 of them at the pond diving all over and around noon a guy snagged one when it was under water so naturally everyone was yelling kill it! Gut the bird! And naturally everyone was probably just joking around so they got the bird free and just as it started to run and fly away this coward piece of crap slammed his net on the bird and killed it and dumped it in the trash can! This guy should have been arrested! I don't like the birds disturbing my fishing but that is how they survive in their natural habitat and it didn't deserve to get killed like that! They are beautiful birds as much as they are a pain in the ass when your fishing! And they sure can eat a lot of fish!

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