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ShaggyRS6 04-10-2013 09:13 AM

Some Advice Needed Please
Hi everyone. Myself and my family have just relocated to the US (Allendale, NJ) from England where we were both keen fisherman where we enjoyed many aspects of fishing from fresh water to beach casting. Out main passion in England was carp fishing. We spent a fortune on all the gear, and used to enjoy doing 3-4 day sessions all year round. My biggest fish to date was a 34lb Linear Carp, caught on a Spicey Sausage Boiley during the winter of 2010.

I know there is carp fishing in NJ is available, but we wanted to try something different. So we are very much interested in Bass and trout fishing using lures and the like.

We went up to Ramapo State forest on Sunday and it was beautiful, with some really good spots to fish. I can see us spending lots of time on the rivers and lakes this year.

Being new to the country and this type of fishing I do have a couple of questions. I hope you don’t me asking.

Firstly I’d like to hear about any great places we could go to fish. I am unsure around the rules in NJ. In the UK, if it was not shown as private land and you had a valid licence, you could fish anywhere. Is this the same in NJ?

So far we have only just scratched the surface of this great state. Can you recommend some other places that we could go and scope out? Lakes rivers and streams would be superb. The closer to North Bergen the better.

And lastly for now, what gear should I get and where should I get it from. We have Ramsey outdoor that is about 5 mins drive away, and there is a place on the way to Ringwood that we pass, I think it’s called Dave’s Sporting goods?

I can see myself spending a fortune on gear, but in the interest of a happy marital life I will limit my enthusiasm for now J So what would we need for a basic setup to go fishing. Rods, Reels, Lines, Tackle, Net? Also, do we need to take precautions for bears if we fish more remote spots?

Any help you can give would be very much appreciated.

crewchief2 04-10-2013 09:23 AM

Re: Some Advice Needed Please
First off, welcome to the States and the site. I have only been on this site a short while, but i can say it is one of the best. As for your questions, we could sit for hours and discuss what and where, but your best bet is to just jump right in. Go to your local tackle dealer and they can get you started in the right direction. As for places to fish, N J has a lot of great fishing opportunities. Below is the link the the Fish and game site, which can answer a lot of your questions about Licenses, places to fish, seasons, etc. Hope this will get you started, and we hope to see posts from you soon. Good fishing !!!!!


Wilson 04-10-2013 09:36 AM

Re: Some Advice Needed Please
Check your pm's;)

ATH1089 04-10-2013 10:11 AM

Re: Some Advice Needed Please
Well, this is my first post, too, so here it goes. The last time I went to Ramsey (admittedly, a long time ago) they had no fishing section, at least at the one I went to. It was focused more on running, snowboarding, skiing, etc. I think it would be worth your time to check out either Bass Pro Shops or Cabela's, even if only online. There are some in PA, and there is a BPS being built in Atlantic City (a bit of a drive for you) that might be worth your time. That said, I do prefer Cabela's.

I live in Morris county, one of your neighbors, for some time when I was younger. Our best fishing spots were Park's Lake (also called Fox's Pond on the maps), the Rockaway River, and various semi-private ponds we had access to. Park's Lake always had a reputation as the pond people would release their big catches into, and I know for a fact that there are some huge bass, catfish, and pickerel in it. The River is stocked every year with trout, and does have a few carp in it (some locals call them mudfish), though I have never successfully brought one in. Small inline spinners like Panther Martins hammer the trout there.

As far as I am aware, your understanding of our licensure is correct. That is how I have always fished, and just stayed out of places I knew I was not allowed to go. There is no shortage of good fishing in New Jersey, and certainly no need to trespass to get to them. Bears, as you say, can be a concern farther north (I reside at the shore now), but as long as you stay aware of your surroundings in the bush, you should be fine. Make lots of noise when walking in the woods, try not to leave food sitting out while you are there, and if you gut your fish outside, do it far away from your fishing spot/campground if you go that route. Every once in a while, just stop what you are doing and have a look around, and you will be just fine.

Here are some links to help get you started.




Good luck, and welcome!

ShaggyRS6 04-10-2013 10:22 AM

Re: Some Advice Needed Please
Really cool advice so far guys, I cant thank you all enough for helping :) I look forward to reading more :)

I actually went to a Bass pro store once in Miami, a long time ago. It was like an Aladins cave...

Thanks Once again

Skunk City 04-10-2013 10:54 AM

Re: Some Advice Needed Please
You picked a great area to move to. TONS of good fishing within 30-60 minutes from your home. Northern New Jersey has pretty much everything you could ask for from big mean toothy Muskie, Pike and Walleye, to solid Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass fishing, to finesse Trout, Panfish and Carp fishing. Lots of money gets invested in our lakes/rivers/reservoirs/ponds through the stocking programs with great results. Besides going back and reading through the past years worth of reports on here, there are a few good books in print that will help you with spots to fish in NJ. I own both, which are firmly planted in my bathroom for my studies lol. I picked up both at my local Barnes and Noble, but here are the links to check them out online...



AndyS 04-10-2013 11:00 AM

Re: Some Advice Needed Please
WELCOME to the site !! I always say start out by going back and reading the 100 pages of posts and reports (if you get time) Plenty to get you started there. Keep an eye on your Private Message inbox also as information flows around here in strange ways.

saxmatt 04-10-2013 11:01 AM

Re: Some Advice Needed Please
If you're into carp fishing try the big tidal rivers. Looks like you're close to the Hudson. There are some giants in NJ, the last 2 years I caught a 53.12,42.2 and a bunch of 30lb+ fish. If you're looking for something new try for muskie or walleye at Momksville or Greenwood.

Moz 04-10-2013 05:30 PM

Re: Some Advice Needed Please
Welcome. Whereabouts in Engerlund are you from? More pressing which footie club do you support?

I remember reading not too long ago that the country record carp in the UK that had been caught and released a few times was found dead of suspected poisoning. A very weird story but I learned a lot about the carp fishing clubs and how avid a pursuit carp fishing is.

My experience with bears is where I'm fishing seemed safer than the picnic area across the water!

ShaggyRS6 04-10-2013 06:15 PM

Re: Some Advice Needed Please
Hi Moz, I come a town called Rainham in Kent, about 30 miles south of London. I support Man Utd but only as my Grandad use to play for them during the war.

The carp you refer to is Benson. 64lbs. Carp fishing is massive in England and they are prized catches. Fishing is actually the most popular sport in the UK, I spent a fortune on rods, reels, spod rods, marker roads, bait boats, motorized cart to carry all the gear .

Something you guys might be able to help me with is a basic list of gear to get us started. I went to Ramsey outdoor this afternoon but did not know where to start. Would that be something you guys could do? So rods , tackle, net , lures i don't want to go mad but I want something that will last.

A basic list would be great.

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