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-   -   20 pike in two trips ! (pic) (https://www.njfishing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49678)

msgdan 07-04-2012 12:39 PM

20 pike in two trips ! (pic)
WOW, I don't think I have ever had this much success for pike ever. I went yesterday afternoon for a couple hours and landed 8 pike, 1 pickerel and 3 LMB. This morning I went to a different section for about 3 hours and had over 10 pike, 2 LMB and 3 SMB. Most of the pike in this section are a bit smaller, but still had at least 5 that were between 32 and 36 inches.

This morning I also saw 5 bucks together in the river with 3 slammers, and also a mature bald eagle flying over head for a few minutes. Add in few monster snapping turtles, muskrats, ducks and hawks and it was like a trip to a wilderness paradise!

Happy 4th to all !!!!!!



Danny V

Skunk City 07-04-2012 12:42 PM

Re: 20 pike in two trips ! (pic)
Nice dan! The river has been HOT lately. I went out last night and got 4 with numerous other misses and follows. Crazy that these things are this active in July!

Lard Almighty 07-04-2012 02:26 PM

Re: 20 pike in two trips ! (pic)
You caught more and bigger pike in two days than me, my dad, and my brother COMBINED caught on Champlain last weekend! :eek:

The Dominator 07-04-2012 03:18 PM

Re: 20 pike in two trips ! (pic)
Nice Job Dan.. I went back this morning where I caught the monster 45".. Missed one first cast then later caught a small one about 24" on spinnerbait. Then had one big one come up and take a look at my 5 diamond..Fished for 3 hours from 6am till 9am...Happy 4th of July all...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

bowzonly 07-04-2012 04:41 PM

Re: 20 pike in two trips ! (pic)
Lots of folks have been slammin em. I caught 12 and missed at least 12 more with 3 over 30. Topwater,jointed rapala, spinners. And one nice largemouth.

tycomps 07-04-2012 04:45 PM

Re: 20 pike in two trips ! (pic)
that's it! I'm goin tonight. if you get a chance please confirm that the chartreuse and white spinnerbait you used has a silver colorado blade, if you're using a steel braid leader, and if so how are you attaching the snap to an open loop spinnerbait? (I was thinking of keeping the snap from sliding with a senko o ring). Also with the fish that are hitting and missing has anyone tried trailer hooks? let me know thanks!

ps- feel free to ask me if I want you to catch the fish for me too, I can take it : - )

msgdan 07-04-2012 05:59 PM

Re: 20 pike in two trips ! (pic)

Originally Posted by tycomps
that's it! I'm goin tonight. if you get a chance please confirm that the chartreuse and white spinnerbait you used has a silver colorado blade, if you're using a steel braid leader, and if so how are you attaching the snap to an open loop spinnerbait? (I was thinking of keeping the snap from sliding with a senko o ring). Also with the fish that are hitting and missing has anyone tried trailer hooks? let me know thanks!

ps- feel free to ask me if I want you to catch the fish for me too, I can take it : - )

Yes, chartruse/white spinner blades with silver colorado blade.
No steel braid leader. I tie a snap direct to 17 lb. mono
No trailer hooks.....I will live with the misses, rather than take hooks out of my hand during releases.

Danny V

tycomps 07-04-2012 06:11 PM

Re: 20 pike in two trips ! (pic)
thanks danny, just headin out, hopefully I'll have something to post later!

NorthJerzyG 07-04-2012 07:50 PM

Re: 20 pike in two trips ! (pic)
As always, nice fish!!

And, cool pics. New camera?

msgdan 07-04-2012 08:42 PM

Re: 20 pike in two trips ! (pic)

Originally Posted by NorthJerzyG
As always, nice fish!!

And, cool pics. New camera?

No, it's the same one that I use on my camera mount, Pentax WG-1. Which I will be sending back this week. This is the second WG-1 that the LED screen in the back went blank. It still takes the pictures, but you can't see anything or change any settings. This one is a "new" one that they sent me after the first one went blank.

Danny V

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