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billhig 04-28-2012 06:32 PM

Raritan river at Rutgers
I've two hours to kill tomorrow while my daughter takes a test at Rutgers. Is there any action on the Raritan from the bank in Piscataway or new Brunswick?

AndyS 04-28-2012 06:40 PM

Re: Raritan river at Rutgers
Stripers, shad, white perch, and who knows what else.

dogfish246 04-28-2012 10:16 PM

Re: Raritan river at Rutgers
Bring some corn and try for some carp... Tell your daughter good luck on the orgo exam... Its gonna suck! haha

billhig 04-28-2012 11:15 PM

Re: Raritan river at Rutgers
No exam, just an entrance placement test. She starts the school of nursing in the fall.

birdmanmike 04-29-2012 09:24 AM

Re: Raritan river at Rutgers
You also have Farrington Lake near by and a nice pond off of Ryder Ln. There is also also the D&R Canal bear by too.
It all depends which campus she is taking the test on though also. I know they just built the new College of Nursing building I think near College Ave, so the Raritan will probably be the closest. The one place I didn't fish when down there. But you'll find somewhere decent to fish. Good luck to you.

Also good luck to your daughter. Tough program, but well worth the opportunities for her. You have to be proud of her. When my wife started they only accepted 100 freshman for the program. 50 in Newark and 50 in New Brunswick. Again congrats to her. RU class or '02 My wife RU College of Nursing class of '03 (First class in New Brunswick)

dogfish246 04-29-2012 10:20 AM

Re: Raritan river at Rutgers

Originally Posted by billhig
No exam, just an entrance placement test. She starts the school of nursing in the fall.

Tell her to get use to exams on sunday... Especially if she is going to take orgo! I have one today... Our orgo professors cant teach and dont care so :( Rutgers is great otherwise, she will love it!

Anyhow, Farrington lake is good for some bass, crappie and pickerel but I think your best bet is the river and canal system that runs right next to it!!!

billhig 04-29-2012 01:31 PM

Re: Raritan river at Rutgers
Nothing going on in the raritan today. I can only cast so far and itms about 8" deep 50m. From shore. Didn't get thd message about farrington lake until to late.

The nursing school in NB took 30 out of 2200 applicants this year.

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