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bingosportfishing 05-23-2021 05:32 PM

The stripers have been chewing and some monster blues are in the mix too. We've limited out on most trips recently.

Sea Bass has been good but not always spectacular. Ling, cod and flounder have been in the mix too. Todays charter stuffed the cooler and everyone went home with fish. (We also caught a bunch of Tog that were all released)

Wednesday's open boat sea bass 8am-3pm is a go. We have some reservations left so call today to get a spot.
We will have some open boat dates next weekend. I'll post them up as soon as we firm up the days and times. Check the open boat forum.

bingosportfishing 05-25-2021 04:23 PM

Tomorrow, Wednesday, our open boat sea bass trip still has a few spots left. I guess everyone knows the terrible weather is coming starting Friday. Just in time to ruin the **##&%$^ holiday weekend. Get it while you can before the blow, folks! Call to reserve a spot. Details on the open boat page.

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