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dales529 06-16-2018 01:58 PM

Recent Reports Monger Seabass and Raritan Bay Fluke
06/13/18 Monger Seabass:
Left at false light with a great crew Larry Hartattack and son Brian Angina, Fin Reaper Glen, TwoGuys Rod, Matt Conway, Joe S, Wayne and son Mike, Keith and myself. Angina had the hot hand early and then slowed so the rest of us could catch up. Rain kicked in and we had to work for 78 seabass, 6 nice sized ling and a 4lb fluke. Jigs did NOT work and bait was it. Hundreds of shorts kept us all busy. Everyone added to the catch.

Capt Jerry is insane with work ethic and mates Stephanie
(of Rockbottom lineage) and Mike were fantastic.

I had 4 TOG (just sayin Joey!) and there were a few more Tog plus some trash fish all released

Of course Capt Jerry thought the trip sucked but we all left happy as always on the MONGER

I know some have mentioned the "dinks" juvenile seabass but personally I think it proves the stock is rebuilt and in good shape. Cant have keepers ever if you dont have a spawning stock which we do. Seabass are spread out over miles inshore and off. Its a good stock

06/15/18 Fluke
Invited on the Greg Heiser/ Chris Wilson annual charter on a NS Fluke boat.
These guys are fine fisherman / fisherwomen as some wives were on board
Again it was a grind in the far back bay as you had to FISH, but boat had to have 80 keepers for 40 plus fishermen. They were cutting fish for 2 hours just not mine LOL I had 1.5 keepers (lost a drag puller due to a tangle with my partner next to me NICE fish to live another day) and 9 just shorts. Changed to just a standard bait rig as the rental rods were getting more bites with no gulp and a single spearing, Small bait was the theme today. Small squid, single spearing and no dressing (gulp) . When wind died it was back to bucktailing. As PB fishing goes some did better than others as expected and some unexpected anglers did better than the odds. Always a pleasure with these peeps and will be back again!
Chris won the pool with a nice 5 lbr. Greg ahh not so much lol

Food ( Ribs, chicken, shrimp, pasta and a deli platter plus brownies, cookies etc) and fun was the day.

SaltLife1980 06-16-2018 03:14 PM

Re: Recent Reports Monger Seabass and Raritan Bay Fluke
Nice report! Sounds like some good fishing

GDubya07 06-16-2018 03:20 PM

Re: Recent Reports Monger Seabass and Raritan Bay Fluke
1.5 fluke ??? Now your stealing my lines

Nice Fishing Dave


Fin Reaper 06-16-2018 06:45 PM

Re: Recent Reports Monger Seabass and Raritan Bay Fluke
ANOTHER Great day on the Monger, great boat and great crew. Thanks again Dales for puttin it together and inviting me

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