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pacrags 05-04-2018 01:31 PM

Knot Recomendation
I have 10 lb braid on a few of my rods for trout fishing that I have been tying on a swivel and then a 4 lb flouro leader. When my kids use this set up they keep reeling the swivel in through the guides causing them to tangle up the line at the tip when they try to cast with the swivel among the guides.

I have been trying a few knots (yucatan and modified version i used to tie heavier mono backing to the braid) to tie the flouro to the braid but the flouro keep slipping through the knot or breaking when i cinch it down.

looking for some suggestions that work for oothers with this setup.

Thanks in advance.

Jigman13 05-04-2018 01:35 PM

Re: Knot Recomendation
YouTube uni to uni. Easy & plenty strong for all things freshwater. Always moisten before you cinch!

Pdog 05-04-2018 01:42 PM

Re: Knot Recomendation
Another option is the FG knot. Like the uni-uni, you can find it all over YouTube.


pacrags 05-04-2018 02:18 PM

Re: Knot Recomendation
Thanks guys ... will try them both ... one of the benefits from working from home, is i can try these out while on a conference call later this afternoon.

NJSquatch 05-04-2018 04:20 PM

Re: Knot Recomendation
+1 on the Uni to Uni...

fishingbuddies 05-04-2018 04:45 PM

Re: Knot Recomendation
Alberto knot. I wont fish without it.

Castaway 05-04-2018 10:15 PM

Re: Knot Recomendation
It would be way easier to just use straight 4lb test monofilament. There is no reason to use braid for trout fishing in New Jersey. Especially with kids.

ScowardNJ 05-04-2018 11:04 PM

Re: Knot Recomendation

Originally Posted by Castaway (Post 507374)
It would be way easier to just use straight 4lb test monofilament. There is no reason to use braid for trout fishing in New Jersey. Especially with kids.


pickerelpete 05-04-2018 11:07 PM

Re: Knot Recomendation
Albright knot has served me well for years now in both fresh and saltwater. Slick strong knot the goes through guides well. Easy to tie with little practice.

acabtp 05-05-2018 12:23 AM

Re: Knot Recomendation

Originally Posted by Castaway (Post 507374)
It would be way easier to just use straight 4lb test monofilament. There is no reason to use braid for trout fishing in New Jersey. Especially with kids.

i'd do 4# fluoro, but otherwise agree. braid is just complicating things, it does not provide any benefits for trout fishing in NJ.

pacrags 05-05-2018 11:39 AM

Re: Knot Recomendation

Originally Posted by Castaway (Post 507374)
It would be way easier to just use straight 4lb test monofilament. There is no reason to use braid for trout fishing in New Jersey. Especially with kids.

I agree and have a couple or 4 1/2 ft ulralight set ups with 4 lb mono. if i had multiple spools for each reel i'd swap line that way, but i also use the same reels for for bass, carp and catfish, so swapping out the leader is the cheaper alternative.

That being said I tried the Uni to Uni knot on one rod and the alberto on another and will be trying them out tonight probably on the D&R canal as I could not get myself out of bed this morning.

BOOMER43 05-05-2018 10:55 PM

Re: Knot Recomendation
Buy the kids some cheap setups

Chrisper4694 05-08-2018 12:42 PM

Re: Knot Recomendation
the braid does give you an advantage, you can cast much further and more easily hook fish that hit at the long range of your cast. I used #5 braid for a few years. I switched to #4 fluoro this winter because if you try to fish sub freezing temps with braid that is anything but brand new you just deal with ice all day more so than with fluoro and you still get the no stretch benefit, just lose a bit of casting distance. i always use modified albright or alberto or whatever they call it.

Gerry Zagorski 05-08-2018 05:13 PM

Re: Knot Recomendation

Originally Posted by fishingbuddies (Post 507344)
Alberto knot. I wont fish without it.

2X Alberto knot. Easy to tie and a much lower profile then uni to uni so it goes through the rod guides better.

Capt. Lou 05-10-2018 05:47 PM

Re: Knot Recomendation
Knot I developed for a braid company 20 yrs ago is very simple to tie it covers both fresh n Saltwater applications reverse Albright , salt uses from larger fish just use Bimini loop and tie the same as an loop formed by hand
It’s important to note that u must use minimum ten wraps around braid
with the loop formed in this knot are formed over the braid not the reverse!
I feel the mono in this reverse application holds better , neater in knot formulation and can be coated with knot sense to fill in gaps for smooth slip thru guides , u can clip tight to finish so mono tag does catch guides
Freshwater uni is fine

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