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kmaty 03-19-2014 03:42 PM

Re: Season Smallmouth Contest?!
Im def in i fish this one spot for stripes and every once in a while i nail a smallie on a pencil or swimmer and needles to say anything that swipes a 9 inch pencil is quality!!!

Super 03-19-2014 04:02 PM

Re: Season Smallmouth Contest?!
This is Barbara, my favorite SMB. I meet up with Barbara every year. Barbara is bigger and hungrier than last year, so you better bring it this year! ;)


FASTEDDIE29 03-19-2014 04:08 PM

Re: Season Smallmouth Contest?!
I don't agree with out of state fish counting but its not my contest so other than than the two of us fishing together at least 100 days per yr, its ALL in 15footers court.....Keep any and all ideas coming in boys...All ideas are welcome and will be considered....Hell , fill up his inbox with ball busting coments on how we should keep it to instate fish....Guess it don't matter....its not like the smallies have license plates[/QUOTE]

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I don't agree too much with the out of state entries but at the same time, AINT SKEERED!!!! Let's see how many out of state guys get involved. This is going to be fun. Gots to have some time to get into the fat hogs of fall.

kcritch 03-19-2014 04:13 PM

Re: Season Smallmouth Contest?!

Originally Posted by Super (Post 348358)
This is Barbara, my favorite SMB. I meet up with Barbara every year. Barbara is bigger and hungrier than last year, so you better bring it this year! ;)

Where do you keep that fish in your bath tub??? Better watch someone don't pull the plug on your "spot"! :D

She's a beauty alright!

UglyStick 03-19-2014 04:59 PM

Re: Season Smallmouth Contest?!
X2 on the sentiment that out of state fish should not count... after all, this is NJFishing.com It's like saying let's have a musky contest and I can fish the St. Lawrence or anywhere else and it will "compete" with Jersey fish.

That said, I'm in either way... looking forward to a big year...

gwl2oneida 03-19-2014 05:04 PM

Re: Season Smallmouth Contest?!
Makes total sense to exclude non jersey waters. What's the ruling on bi-state waters, del.river, gwl?

bigfishy 03-19-2014 05:22 PM

Re: Season Smallmouth Contest?!

Originally Posted by gwl2oneida (Post 348369)
Makes total sense to exclude non jersey waters. What's the ruling on bi-state waters, del.river, gwl?

Even if we made it exclusively a jersey thang, those are border waters which would mean they count.....Just like youcan fish the PA side of the big D with a jersey license and its all good.....I aint scaired of h outta state fish either eddie.....I just know a few guys that fish lake erie pretty regular and they could take this contest in a heart beat, no doubt in my mind...Its all good... Ive already laid eyes on the winning specimen, just gotta fish for her on a day dat shes ornery.....shes about 25" .....but if i don't land her , shes got a fat azz cousin dats a couple inches shorter and travels in da same pack....aaawww boooy....season long contest is gonna be interesting to say da least:cool:

FASTEDDIE29 03-19-2014 06:00 PM

Re: Season Smallmouth Contest?!
Hmmmmmmm, sounds like we gotta keep it in state. Let's see what the man, 15FOOTER, comes up with.


15FOOTER 03-19-2014 07:37 PM

Re: Season Smallmouth Contest?!
Ok NJ waters only it is fellas! Lets count the delaware anywhere it borders nj..sound ok?

ScowardNJ 03-19-2014 08:15 PM

Re: Season Smallmouth Contest?!
And Greenwood? :D

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