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FASTEDDIE29 04-07-2014 06:11 PM

Re: Favorite freshwater fish:
There has been a few Smallies caught over 7lbs the past couple years in NJ. They were not posted on this site unfortuntely. They are definately out there, you just gotta know where to look. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming!!!!


mcfish82 04-07-2014 06:20 PM

Re: Favorite freshwater fish:
7 lb smallies I'm sure are lurking all over the state. But a smallie in that class is probably somewhere in the 24" range. Saying you caught a 27" smb is like saying you caught a 60 inch pike. But if anyone catches one, I will graciously eat my words

bigfishy 04-07-2014 06:45 PM

Re: Favorite freshwater fish:
who said anything about catching a 27" smallie???? not it

I have seen them but never landed one that large....
Two yrs ago i caught the smallest out of a pack of three....That fish was 24"

bigfishy 04-08-2014 11:29 PM

Re: Favorite freshwater fish:

Originally Posted by 420*NightCrawler (Post 351020)
I am kinda surprised there's not more votes for shad, they're fun fish. I voted pike, but I know a family member who would choose shad over any other fish. He catches 30 fish a day when they're running, making it hard to not go along, but I've never had 30 shad in a day.

Spoke to a few TU members tonight that had a decent day with shad south of lambertville:)

bigfishy 04-09-2014 02:31 AM

Re: Favorite freshwater fish:

Originally Posted by Jigman13 (Post 349620)
A 29" rainbow!?!? That's sick dude. I'd love to nab a whale like that...



Jigman13 04-09-2014 10:07 AM

Re: Favorite freshwater fish:
Nice fish dude. Wow...

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