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Gerry Zagorski 04-11-2013 08:00 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
I’m still reeling from the loss of Mike like most everyone who knew him….

Unlike some nondescript people you may have encountered here or there, chances are if you were ever within 100 yards of him, he’d be the one person in the crowd you’d remember. He was one of those rare people who had a larger than life personality, never held anything back and was the life of the party. If you look closely at all the pictures here you will notice one thing….Everyone he was pictured with had a smile on their face. He had that sort of effect on people and I would bet just before any of those pictures, he’d said or done something to earn that smile. Never a dull moment around Mike and this is what made being around him so much fun.

Mike was amongst a handful of the original cast and crew of NJfishing.com. Although many of us have lost touch with one and other over the years, this news brought back up a lot of those memories for me and others. Over the last several hours I’ve been in touch with many of them, some of which I haven’t talked to in years. A bitter sweet reminder of how precious friendships are and how you never know when your number is going to be called.

Not sure what regrets Mike may have had when his time came but I think not many. Here is a guy who you knew exactly where you stood with, gave more then he got, cared deeply for others and rarely missed an opportunity to bust balls in an endearing way only Mike could get away with.

Things are certainly never going to be the same around here without him. People like Mike leave voids in our lives that are difficult to fill. Like a ship, they also leave wakes behind them that are felt by everyone they’ve touched and are more pronounced to those closest to him.

My heart and prayers go out to his family and those who were closest to him. A one of a kind person who’s void is deep and wakes are steep.

Rest in peace Mike…. We reluctantly commit you to our father in heaven. I’ m sure He will appreciate your wit and reward you for the kindness you gave so abundantly during you time here with us.
As Buckshot said “ The world is not as nice a place as it was yesterday”. Our loss here on earth but I’m sure they are celebrating your arrival in heaven. Things are never going to be the same up there either.

slim 04-11-2013 08:16 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Very sad. Condolences to family and friends. May he RIP.

broken bobber 04-11-2013 08:36 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Gerry Zagorski
[SIZE=3][FONT] Our loss here on earth but I’m sure they are celebrating you arrival in heaven. Things are never going to be the same up there either. [/FONT][/COLOR]

LMFAO GERRY...... you got that soooo right.... The Angels are handing out earplugs this morning for sure.......:)

IrishAngler 04-11-2013 08:42 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Great post Gerry - perfect words. So bummed.:(

anchor joe 04-11-2013 08:50 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Can't believe, he was my meat man and friend. Rest in peace.

scubanut 04-11-2013 09:14 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
I had the pleasure of meeting Mike several times by the monger or when I needed white leggers. I always looked forward to puosu just to read his posts and the odds on who he thought would win Lol. He was def a great man, an asset to the fishing community, and a class act. He will be missed and to his family, friends my deepest condolences. RIP Mike.

Stumpy 04-11-2013 09:25 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Never had the honor of meeting Mr. Wells but felt as though we had through NJFishing.com. May you rest in peace Mike with fair winds and a following sea. Condolences to his family and friends.

MVP 04-11-2013 09:40 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......

Great post as you hit the nail on the head. Have yet to sleep since hearing the news. Has me question my faith when good people are taken from us before their time.

Zack Attack 04-11-2013 09:49 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Deepest sympathies to Mike's family and friends. What a shocking loss to all.

fishingmortgageman 04-11-2013 09:54 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
I am still stunned. My deepest sympathy to his family and so many friends.

Cheesehead Scott 04-11-2013 10:04 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
RIP Lab if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have ever got this ridiculous nickname... As for many other people I know...

Capt. Lou 04-11-2013 10:05 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
I peersonally did not know Mike as well as most on site, however we did speak briefly a couple of times . He purchased some old model Harnells & Lami's from me, loved that full parabolic flex !
My heart felt condolences to family & friends .

Capt. Lou

Fish Tank 04-11-2013 10:55 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
On behalf of the FISH TANK crew, I would like to express our sincere condolences to the family and friends of LAB. Even though we did not have the pleasure of knowing him personally, his loss is felt across the entire fishing community.

~Capt. Kevin

Canyonfish 04-11-2013 10:56 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
My deepest condolences to Mike Well's family and friends.

I did not know Mike very well ... but a number of years ago I had my Dad and my 3 young triplet sons out on the Gambler for a Fluke trip. One of my sons got very seasick and it was also very hot out.

Mike got some ice in a bag ... cleared a spot on the shady side of the boat .... grabbed a cold ginger ale and some preetzels and really helped him get through it ....

Super nice of him .. and no one asked ... he just offered ...... his actions speak loudly about his character......

He will be sorely missed ..... by all that knew him well .. or ever had the pleasure to make his aquaintance .....

RIP Mike.......

Baccala 04-11-2013 11:11 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
My condolences to family and friends. Mike was such an icon to the fishing industry. His devilish laugh was one of a kind and will be truly missed around the docks as well as out on the water. My hart goes out to the TNT team as it was always a fun time fishing next to them and hearing the bow monkey scream, LOL. If anyone knew LAB, I can only say Stelli said it best, as he was like a father to so many of us and i know he will be watching and laughing from above. One day when your off by yourself on the water, listen and I'm sure we will all hear him laughing from above.....RIP, LAB you were loved by all and will never be forgotten as you have left your mark in everyone's hart!

Jimmy in Point Beach 04-11-2013 11:33 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
My deepest sympathies to all who loved LAB. One of the fondest times for me was when Mike remembered my and my son Stephen's name one day in 7-11 on Broadway AND talked to me like we were old friends, I barely knew him. I felt a real part of the njfishing community from that day on! I would run into Mike there occasionally very early on my way to work some mornings and my day was always better. I have a lump in my throat over his passing. what a guy!


FishNDoc 04-11-2013 11:38 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Deepest Condolences RIP

Topeka Boy 04-11-2013 11:38 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
RIP Mike you will be missed by all.

Knot Guilty 04-11-2013 11:48 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Our deepest condolences to you and his family. Everyone's time is too soon, as we lost an extremely close friend as well. They always smile down on us.

mickrazz 04-11-2013 11:56 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
All the words have already been spoken. Lab was a great guy and a good friend. My heart goes out to Bobber and his family. May the scum that did this die a slow and painful death and rot forever in hell.

fishonmike 04-11-2013 12:07 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
RIP ... Prayers for the family

Fish Head 04-11-2013 12:10 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
RIP Mike. Simply put....a true legend and very sad. Thoughts and prayers to the Wells family and friends.

CaptTB 04-11-2013 12:16 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Wow, did not see this myself yesterday and this morning one of the crew came in and asked if I knew a guy named Mike Wells....told me what happened from the article he read.

Did not know him well but the few times i spoke with him he was a very nice guy. Last time I spoke to him in person was a couple of years ago at one of the SSFFF dinners. He and I sat outside for 15 minutes shooting the shnit. Funny funny guy. My condolences to family and friends.

CAPT RALPH 04-11-2013 12:47 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Rip MIKE. My prayers go out to his family. Show them how its done up there man catch a big one.

captbogan 04-11-2013 12:47 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Mike was the one who got me started with NJFishing. He insisted that I got on board. I was a reluctant, non-computer guy who barely knew how to work the key board. Thankfully, he did not give up on me --basically taking me step-by step through the process until I got it.

He always had an air of confidence about him, had a great sense of humor and wouldn't let you off the hook if he thought you were out of line.

I can't believe he's gone. He truly will be missed.

CaptBob 04-11-2013 01:40 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
The Fisherman's Prayer
by Thomas Keats

When far from land on the stormy sea
There are times when my boat seems frail to me
Where the rising wind and the monstrous waves
Have sent many souls to their watery graves

When the fog shuts down and blacks out the shore
And the heavy seas on the rocks do roar
Where the hidden shoal and the tricky tide
Could mean my doom without a guide

In times like this our hearts sometime fail
And we fear we'll be lost in the stormy gale
Our thoughts go back to our friends on shore
And loved ones whom we'll probably see no more

But then at last there is a light
Shining through the gloom like a beacon bright
It is our faith in Our Lord we see
Who rules the raging of the sea

Our thoughts go back to the story true
Of Our Lord who protects His disciples crew
Who were fishermen just like me
And we follow their tradition of the sea

So now all fishermen be of good cheer
And always remember Your Lord is near
The word of a hymn which can give courage to thee
Are "Jesus Saviour, Pilot Me".

Fair Seas Mike, your spirit has touched many!

broken bobber 04-11-2013 01:53 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
1 Attachment(s)

Just spoke to Mikes son Mick... He just finished reading all the comments here and said he had NO IDEA how many lives and hearts his dad touched

he asked me to sign on and let EVERYONE HERE KNOW How GRATEFUL he and the Family are for all the kind words AND THE SHOW OF SUPPORT.....


Whalewatcher 04-11-2013 01:53 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
I'm a member here because of Michael TELLING me to check out this website several years ago in Michael's way. He even got me into one of Gerry's Christmas poems one year. So I remember all that history Gerry has spoken of.

Like all of you, I can't believe this has happened. When God created Michael, he must have said one is enough. This one is too special to duplicate.

He could make you feel better on a bad day and even better on a good day; and for all the good things he did for other people, he was the type to do it and not brag about it.

I've never known anyone who was the over the top "ball buster" you all call him and at the same time have the kindest heart all wrapped into one.

It has been a privilege to be his friend and have his friendship.

We all benefited from knowing Michael; but he would say you guys added an enormous amount of happiness to his life.

RBC67 04-11-2013 02:15 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
RIP Mike, calm seas and tight lines in heaven

Quanman 04-11-2013 03:02 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Just logged on and saw this.:( Shocked beyond belief.

R I P Mike

My condolences to his family and friends.

Captain Rich 04-11-2013 04:24 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
very sorry to hear of this--Rich

Gerry Zagorski 04-11-2013 04:25 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......

Originally Posted by captbogan
He always had an air of confidence about him, had a great sense of humor and wouldn't let you off the hook if he thought you were out of line.

Isn't that the truth.... He didn't care if what he said made you at odds with him, his itentions were always genuine. He simply wanted the best for everyone, to right wrongs and he called them like he saw them.

Being together for almost 15 years working on this site, it was inevitable that Mike and I had a few brushes between us. Occationally a few poeple questioned my allegiance towards him. It was never a question in my mind because deep down I knew his heart was in the right place.

broken bobber 04-11-2013 04:27 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Viewings for Michael M Wells will be at O'Brien Funeral Home, 505 Burnt Tavern Rd @ Hwy 70. Brick, NJ (732) 899-8600
Saturday 2 pm - 4 pm and 7 pm till 9 pm. Service will be at the funeral home Sunday at 1 pm.

Inishmore3 04-11-2013 04:48 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
First for the Wells Family. I am truly sorry for your loss. May the Four Winds deliver Mr. Wells safely home.

For Tom. Mike had passion for fishing. For people like us, its not a sport. Its part of our lives. If you are lucky enough to have your father being part of it and teaching you. Or sharing the times on the water with a good friend. That is so special. The two of you had fun just sharing the times on the water together. You will have those memories for the rest of your life. Hold those memories close to your heart and fish on. Mike would want you to.

To Gerry. Mike was your right hand man on this site. He had passion for this site. I am sorry for your loss as well.

May God Bless you all.

Scotty 04-11-2013 05:20 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
1 Attachment(s)
So many memories, and quite the photogenic one. Just passing along something to make you laugh as that's the way LAB would want it :)

codbuster 04-11-2013 05:33 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......

Originally Posted by Scotty
So many memories, and quite the photogenic one. Just passing along something to make you laugh as that's the way LAB would want it :)

There ya go!!! RIP Dog man!!!! Just so you all understand that Lab had bloodhounds and I had a pack of coonhounds !!


livetofish 04-11-2013 05:51 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
I still can't believe this. Hadn't seen Mike in years but had a lot of great times with him. There were a lot of laughs, a lot of fish and a lot of fun. He was one of those irreplaceable guys, the kind that few are chosen to walk among us, the kind whose absence from near or far is forever empty. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and everyone who will hold a place in their hearts for him.

the1jonc 04-11-2013 06:02 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
RIP LAB. My condolences to his family, friends and the fishing community.

I never met the man in person but I did communicate with him online and he was a stand-up guy.

courbeco 04-11-2013 10:17 PM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Mike signed onto NJF about the same time as me several years ago. My deepest condolences to the Wells family and Tom as well....RIP Mike.:(

Tony Cav 04-12-2013 08:36 AM

Re: Sad day for NJF... RIP LAB......
Wow, I'm shocked . I got to know Mike a little bit fishing on the Monger.

Saw him 2 weeks ago in Point Pleasant. Mike was always good for a laugh....used to run into him at the doggie beach as well. God rest his soul.

What's the fluke regs liked in heaven?

I still can not believe it. I guess God has his plan.

Bless the family and the dogs.

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