acabtp |
12-10-2012 12:00 AM |
Re: Salvaged 40" Packanack Lake Tiger,restocked in the Pompton R.
Originally Posted by vinntastic
Well they cleaned out the lake and left hundreds of nice big carp of all sizes to die,and among them was a big tiger Muskie with all kinds of hooks and lines hanging out of his mouth,they had pics of the carp stuck in about 5 inches of water fighting for there life in the mud,sad story to read in the town paper this Thursday did they really relocate:rolleyes:
really, guy? did you even take the time to read through this post?
they can't relocate the carp anywhere, that is illegal in NJ.
they moved as many fish as they could, until they were dragging the boat over hundreds of feet of mud to get it in and out. a valiant effort was made. you probably shouldn't put so much faith in whatever the uninformed at your town paper had to say about it.