View Full Version : jenny lee overnighter 10/20/17

jenny lee sportfishing
10-21-2017, 04:55 PM
http://jennyleesportfishing.com/gallery/galleryimages//29/699.jpgcapt's kevin and dave took dave popiak and charlie out for an overnighter. we let the guys know it was slow but they had a positive attitude and we shoved off. we stopped inshore and caught 4 bluefins to thirty pounds before heading off to the canyon. we pot hopped and caught 27 mahi. setting up for the night we released two blue sharks and caught a keeper swordfish. the guys had a great time as did kevin and i. we will see them again next year.
Posted by jenny_lee (http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/index.php?/authors/1-jenny_lee) at 13:47 (http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/index.php?/archives/288-dave-popiak-102017.html) | Edit entry (http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/serendipity_admin.php?serendipity[action]=admin&serendipity[adminModule]=entries&serendipity[adminAction]=edit&serendipity[id]=288)

John D.
10-22-2017, 07:24 PM
Good to stick it out. Sounds like decent amount of swordfish around. And better water in the way.