View Full Version : Check Your Spoon Rod Guides!

Kevin Bogan
10-12-2017, 11:30 AM
We repair a lot of broken guides on wire line spoon rods from all different manufactures. The failure is usually the same- the welds on the double braced guides give out. Sometimes the welds will break and the ring will wedge down into the frame so it won't be obvious there is a problem until the ring pops out under pressure. Example- "Broken Guides" photo.

We build our wire line spoon rods with center-braced carboloy guides. We seal the welds with epoxy as we are building the rods. Look closely at the "Center-braced Carboloy" photo and you will see. This has proven to be rugged and reliable.

It's a good idea to look over your guides closely now before the season kicks off. We do guide repairs, so if you see a problem bring it in.

If you want one of our wire line spoon rods, they start at $255 each- all black, featuring the sealed center-braced carboloy guides described above, a detachable aluminum butt, 7.5', 8', or 8.5'. We have some black rods ready to go in the shop, or we can do a custom order with your choice of thread colors in 2-3 weeks.