View Full Version : Bunker Management

10-10-2017, 09:13 AM
Here is your last chance this year to voice your opinion on bunker management. I believe the deadline is the 24th of this month. I think it's an important issue and I will be letting them know that we want to keep this very important forage fish in our waters. Please take a minute if you can to voice your opinion. More bunker = more predator fish = better fishing.


10-10-2017, 11:29 AM
Cooke Seafood to acquire Omega Protein, does not bode well for bunker stocks.

Guys, this is THE most important fish-fight on our hands. Bunker is a keystone species, supporting the entire ecosystem of game fish we pursue. They belong in the water, filtering plankton and being food for stripers/fluke/bluefish/weakfish/albies...NOT as fertilizer or god forbid mulched into pellets for farm raised salmon/tilapia.

10-10-2017, 02:50 PM
Comments sent.

10-10-2017, 04:13 PM
Corey Booker needs to get involved.

10-10-2017, 07:03 PM
Cooke Seafood to acquire Omega Protein, does not bode well for bunker stocks.

Guys, this is THE most important fish-fight on our hands. Bunker is a keystone species, supporting the entire ecosystem of game fish we pursue. They belong in the water, filtering plankton and being food for stripers/fluke/bluefish/weakfish/albies...NOT as fertilizer or god forbid mulched into pellets for farm raised salmon/tilapia.

Spot on my Friend! We have seen the end of Mac's, Herring and Sand eels in our area for what ever reason....they are not magically dominant in other area's either. Bunker are the last of the Major food source for all the creatures in the sea....Why do you think we have seen a tremendous influx of Dolphin & Whales the past couple of years...it's the last food source!! These people don't care about the resource, the food chain or anything else that actually matters. It's all about the $$$$.

We, who have done this our whole lives see the changes, we understand the eco-system and what is happening to it, does any one give a Shit? NO! Are we ever asked about what we think is happening? NO!

Sorry to say and I hate to say, we don't matter, our factual opinions don't matter as proven by the constant bombardment to get us off the water. Political people say they feel our pain but as they shake your hand their looking at the next guy in line.....not into your eyes! Send your protest's, get on a Bus, write the letters but these pricks are gonna do what they are gonna do.

After 40 years of being a Captain and getting on that Bus, I will still fight till my last breath only because I'm not a quitter! I know what the outcome will be as it's been that way for my whole career......Sad, very Sad all.:mad: Sorry andyS but Corey booker could give a rat's ass also.