View Full Version : Party Boat Angler Wednesday report

captain george angler
10-04-2017, 07:36 PM
The big porgies were hungry as soon as the anchor line came tight with singles and doubles around the boat. The fishing didn't slow down for a couple of hours when the out going tide kicked in. We then moved off shore a bit where the current was slower and caught some tog and sea bass. cero Aquila from Islin had the days pool with a black fish. We ended the day back on the porgy grounds and the were chewing again. Tony had our largest porgy at 17 inch.

Clams and crabs for bait.

7:00 AM first boat out!! Galley open tomorrow. NO GALLEY FRIDAY NOR SATURDAY.

Pictures later.

Thanks captain George

chef bet
10-04-2017, 08:16 PM
any absolute beautiful day on the water. doesn't get any better . Oh and the fishing was pretty good toooo. Had well over 30 keepers porgies plus 2 short blackfish.
Thanks George great day.

captain george angler
10-05-2017, 04:58 AM