10-04-2017, 02:44 PM
Weather looking pretty good for the next few days, so get your Crab orders in today. We are now offering 1/4 bushels , as well as 1/2 bushels , and full bushels. Be the first on your dock to place your order , so you are not left out . With the Porgy bite in full swing , you may also want to place your order for Clams as well. Want them shucked???.... Then call 24 hours in advance...This weather is not going to be around til Christmas , so call out sick and go fishing. Did I mention that we have a new shipment of Blackfish Jigs? What a fun way to catch Blackfish.....Try it will be " Hooked""....Call the shop at 732-787-2248........See ya soon ....Pete and Crew....Thanks