View Full Version : Golden Eagle - SUPER DAY WITH THE BLUES

09-29-2017, 01:49 PM
We had a SUPER day with the BLUES. It was all the BLUEFISH you wanted. Everybody pretty much had their limit of BLUEFISH. There was plenty of ALBACORE to go around - anywhere from 1 or 2 to a dozen ALBACORE per person. We also had a few BONITO and a SPANISH MACKEREL. Everything was on Run Off hammer jigs. It was very very good fishing and a beautiful day on the ocean.

Join us tomorrow and enjoy a day of fishing.

See you in the morning.

The GOLDEN EAGLE sails every day for STRIPERS & BLUES at 7:30 am from Belmar Marina in Belmar, NJ.

For more information visit us at www.goldeneaglefishing.com or call 732-681-6144.

See you on board