View Full Version : First Time Tog Fisherman

09-27-2017, 12:21 PM
Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to go (either pier, or surf) for Tog fishing this weekend? I am very new to the area, but thought I'd give it a try for my first time since moving up north from the Gulf (Georgia/Florida).
I hear they have a very lite bite, and love green crabs. Other than that I don't know the depth they hold in, weather pressure issues? Where to go, who to talk to etc... This sounds like a great sportfish for sure.

Any Help is much appreciated!

Gerry Zagorski
09-27-2017, 12:39 PM
Not that many spots in the area where you'll have a good amount of success fishing from shore. Inlet rock jetties, ocean rock jetties, bridge pillars are the places most shore fishermen target them...

If you really want to get the hang of it jump on one of our sponsor charter or party boats... They not only take you to places where they live, they'll also show you the ropes and reduce the steep learning curve involved in this fishery.

WARNING!!!! Tog fishing can be very frustrating but at the same time very addictive.......

09-27-2017, 02:35 PM
The Point Pleasant Canal is a great place to go and learn. Was there yesterday with 2 dozen green crabs which resulted in 48 bites. Feel free to pm with any specific questions!! I'm sure others will chime in!

09-27-2017, 02:52 PM
The Point Pleasant Canal is a great place to go and learn. Was there yesterday with 2 dozen green crabs which resulted in 48 bites. Feel free to pm with any specific questions!! I'm sure others will chime in!

I was there yesterday too! I had a dozen green crabs but couldn't manage to land a tog, it was my first time going for them too! got 2 fluke on the clams though so no skunk:D

09-27-2017, 03:02 PM
in the immortal words of Lab


09-27-2017, 06:30 PM
the canal is good, but lots of small fish, and it can be tough to fish when the current is screaming, which is most of the day until maybe 1/2 hour when the tide is slack.. The guys that fish it a lot do very well..

Personally, I would go to Barnegat Inlet, and fish in the rocks,, there are tog there, sea bass, triggerfish, fluke, even a chance at a Sheepshead now and then, along with all kinds of other fish.. Never know down there what you might catch on any given day, but there are usually LOTS of tog.. Many shorts but thats the case along any of the inlet rocks in NJ ... bob

09-27-2017, 07:36 PM
Make sure you have the saltwater registration.

09-28-2017, 08:51 AM
I was there yesterday too! I had a dozen green crabs but couldn't manage to land a tog, it was my first time going for them too! got 2 fluke on the clams though so no skunk:D

Sometime they are really biting in the canal other times not . I seem to do better away from the slack tide. Cast down current if you cast up current you will have a big bow in the line and when you feel the bite to much slack to set the hook.

09-28-2017, 08:36 PM
Give captain Ray on the Mad Gaffer a call, I always have fun tog fishing with him.