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View Full Version : Free Fishing Event for Special Needs Children

Angler Paul
09-19-2017, 12:52 PM
On Saturday, 9/30/17, from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM, the Jersey Coast Anglers Association in conjunction with Cardinale Enterprises and New Jersey Shore Chapter 12 of the Vietnam Veterans of America will be hosting a fishing event for special needs children ages 6 to 16. The event will be held at Lake Julianna located at Ponderosa Estates Farm in Millstone Township, New Jersey. This will be a catch and release event with barbless hooks in a lake that is well stocked with largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, crappies, yellow perch, channel catfish and sunfish. Refreshments will be served, there will be plenty of door prizes, free bait and rigs along with loaner rods and reels. Adults will be on hand to help the kids fish and best of all the event is FREE. However, those interested in attending as an individual or group must register in advance by calling 732-747-7846 or by emailing info@cardinaleenterprises.com

Paul Haertel
JCAA Board Member/Past President

09-19-2017, 09:32 PM

What would I need to do to volunteer for this event so I can help kids at this event

Angler Paul
09-19-2017, 10:59 PM
Thank you, PM sent.

09-20-2017, 11:52 AM
Great Job !!!!!!!!!! Need more events for these kids, I have a Special Needs Child, he's 26. Been all thru the Special Olympics, fighting with the government for so little they give these kids. Gerry you met Alex on that Fathers Day trip we had so long ago out of Keyport. NJ Dave you met him in Lake George, the day I netted your salmon. These kids need more of these activities, I commend you on the effort. A party boat trip in the bay would be awesome if ever that could be arranged. Keep up the good work, my heart goes out to these kids/adults.