View Full Version : The Modern Fishing Act
Gerry Zagorski
09-07-2017, 09:31 AM
If you are mad about the fishing regulations this is for you and your chance to get involved.....
We all know that the root of many of the issues we face with the regulations are the laws, methods and science in the Magnuson Act.
Here is an overview of Magunson from the NOAA site
" As a result of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the United States is ending and preventing overfishing in federally-managed fisheries, actively rebuilding stocks, and providing fishing opportunities and economic benefits for both commercial and recreational fishermen as well as fishing communities and shoreside businesses that support fishing and use fish products"
Sounds like a great plan right? Well just like a lot of government programs, even with the best of intentions it's morphed into laws, methods and science that works against the very people it was supposed to serve.
What's the solution?? I think we can all agree that the laws methods and science needs to be changed...
One way to do that is to support the Modern Fishing Act. If you'd like to do that it's pretty simple.... Go to this link and fill out the form here. Once you provide your name and address it sends an email to your local senators to get behind it.
After those emails are sent you'll see there is a simple way to share the link with fishermen in and outside our state to do the same since we need both local and national support in order to have a fighting chance.
There is an important US Senate Hearing on Sept 12th where Dan Sullivan who is the Chairmen of this committee will be hearing testimonies and the RFA has been invited to testify on behalf of us recreational anglers...
As a side note, Corey Booker will be there as well and is on the committee so it wouldn't hurt to write him personally to " Support the Amendments to the Modern Fishing Act" by going here...
You want change, here's your opportunity... JUST DO IT !!
09-07-2017, 10:15 AM
Just Did It
09-07-2017, 12:31 PM
Wrote my Rep a couple months ago on this, but just sent to our illustrious senators too. (also a reminder to the Rep).
Gerry Zagorski
09-07-2017, 01:38 PM
One thing to remember is Booker is on this committee and you can be sure the environmental extremists will be trying to get his ear.... We need to make some noise here with him...
Pennsy Guy
09-07-2017, 06:17 PM
09-07-2017, 06:51 PM
Done !!
09-07-2017, 07:40 PM
Done & shared with friends.
09-07-2017, 08:44 PM
Done, and thanks Gerry
Joey Dah Fish
09-07-2017, 10:09 PM
09-08-2017, 09:48 AM
Booker is a leftist that will always side with the enviro radicals, and menendez is a crook that might be on his way to jail..
Not sure how much satisfaction you'll get with those two..
Congressmen might be the best idea, especially if you are in a district with one thats somewhat more conservative...
09-08-2017, 07:08 PM
Booker is a leftist that will always side with the enviro radicals, and menendez is a crook that might be on his way to jail..
Not sure how much satisfaction you'll get with those two..
Congressmen might be the best idea, especially if you are in a district with one thats somewhat more conservative...
Not calling you out Bob but sort of am. Until Fishermen STOP making this a party issue and don't send the letters because of party affiliation then we are doomed. No ONE party has helped us more than the other and you can only go by whom serves on what committee and in this case ITS Booker.
Many conservative congressmen were at the Meeting at Fishermens supply in Point Pleasant with the enough is enough chant and did nothing as has the current conservative congress and conservative senate done nothing. Doesn't mean we should stop sending the message to both parties so please refrain from making it a party issue. I don't really care which party finally comes through as we need both to listen and that only comes through a voice that threatens re-election. When I emailed Rep Congressmen Chris Smith NJ who championed our cause, sponsored a bill and then didn't even go to the meeting
the response I got was that I wasn't from his district!
Send the letter or give up. We need the voices
Gerry Zagorski
09-09-2017, 11:19 AM
Not calling you out Bob but sort of am. Until Fishermen STOP making this a party issue and don't send the letters because of party affiliation then we are doomed. No ONE party has helped us more than the other and you can only go by whom serves on what committee and in this case ITS Booker.
Many conservative congressmen were at the Meeting at Fishermens supply in Point Pleasant with the enough is enough chant and did nothing as has the current conservative congress and conservative senate done nothing. Doesn't mean we should stop sending the message to both parties so please refrain from making it a party issue. I don't really care which party finally comes through as we need both to listen and that only comes through a voice that threatens re-election. When I emailed Rep Congressmen Chris Smith NJ who championed our cause, sponsored a bill and then didn't even go to the meeting
the response I got was that I wasn't from his district!
Send the letter or give up. We need the voices
Agreed we need bipartisan support for this and everyone who wants changes to the system needs to encourage their Senators.
09-10-2017, 01:09 PM
Agreed we need bipartisan support for this and everyone who wants changes to the system needs to encourage their Senators.
Like I have said before, I have written both of our Senators many times, faxed and sent e-mails but unfortunately they both seem to be a little busy either taking down statues or defending themselves in court on corruption charges!(So depressing)
09-12-2017, 07:12 PM
Not calling you out Bob but sort of am. Until Fishermen STOP making this a party issue and don't send the letters because of party affiliation then we are doomed. No ONE party has helped us more than the other and you can only go by whom serves on what committee and in this case ITS Booker.
Many conservative congressmen were at the Meeting at Fishermens supply in Point Pleasant with the enough is enough chant and did nothing as has the current conservative congress and conservative senate done nothing. Doesn't mean we should stop sending the message to both parties so please refrain from making it a party issue. I don't really care which party finally comes through as we need both to listen and that only comes through a voice that threatens re-election. When I emailed Rep Congressmen Chris Smith NJ who championed our cause, sponsored a bill and then didn't even go to the meeting
the response I got was that I wasn't from his district!
Send the letter or give up. We need the voices
First off, you are right, its NOT a party issue.. Its an ideological one...
There are plenty of politicians with an R beside their name that I would not vote for with a gun to my head.. party has nothing to do with.. Ideology has everything to do with it.. JFK would be tossed to the gutter by modern day Dems, as he was not a leftist..
NJ simply has 2 BAD senators as does my state of NY, more wrapped up in appealing to the takers in the state than going to bat for the hard working tax payers that foot the bills..
I can't do much more than root for you guys from the sidelines, and check on Noreast to see if NY has something similar going on in a letter writing campaign, where I can contribute.. I have my doubts you will get anywhere with corey booker, but i do wish you all the best luck, and do hope he goes to bat for the anglers that spend MILLIONS in the state he serves, and whose working people pay his salary.... bob
09-13-2017, 10:33 AM
Done! Thanks for posting the Sticky Gerry!
09-13-2017, 10:40 AM
First off, you are right, its NOT a party issue.. Its an ideological one...
There are plenty of politicians with an R beside their name that I would not vote for with a gun to my head.. party has nothing to do with.. Ideology has everything to do with it.. JFK would be tossed to the gutter by modern day Dems, as he was not a leftist..
NJ simply has 2 BAD senators as does my state of NY, more wrapped up in appealing to the takers in the state than going to bat for the hard working tax payers that foot the bills..
I can't do much more than root for you guys from the sidelines, and check on Noreast to see if NY has something similar going on in a letter writing campaign, where I can contribute.. I have my doubts you will get anywhere with corey booker, but i do wish you all the best luck, and do hope he goes to bat for the anglers that spend MILLIONS in the state he serves, and whose working people pay his salary.... bob
Agree with most all of what you have posted, but disagree that you can't do more than root from the sidelines. If you fish in NJ, I'm sure you contribute to and support the local bait, tackle and food businesses, which in turn are taxed to pay his salary. Click on and send the note to Booker, you have nothing to lose in doing so. Thanks!
09-13-2017, 01:16 PM
09-13-2017, 04:24 PM
Done, can't hurt can only help
Gerry Zagorski
09-30-2017, 02:53 PM
Looks like the Commercial Fisherman are not going to support the Modern Goshing Act
Gerry Zagorski
10-05-2017, 09:12 AM
Here is a simple way for Facebook users to voice their support...
Please share this link with everyone, those sportsmen you know out of state will help too.... We're all in this together and people in other states can help our cause.
10-16-2017, 08:28 AM
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