View Full Version : Black death!!!

Kevin Bogan
09-06-2017, 11:22 AM
:eek:SKIPPER, The Medical journal of Eastern fisheries has an article on Black Death!!!
:cool: OH yeah, what did it say?
:eek: It says that anglers using Fish Poison rods catch more Blackfish than all other brands. Here's a quote: "When a fisherman feels the Blackfish bite on their line, the ULTRA SENSITIVE tip of a Fish Poison MH transmits the "Good Vibrations" to the anglers nervous system, triggering a mechanism of movements that allow the angler to hook the fish, retrieve and fight the fish like NO OTHER ROD, then if the angler throws the fish in the cooler, life will slowly fade away for the TOG, while the angler can then plan how he will cook his meal!
:cool: It's about time one of those science magazines tells the truth! Did they mention the guy who caught the 22 lb TOG on a Fish poison rod? How about the guy that caught all those fish, and quite a few of them between 15-21 lbs??
:) Yes sirreee Skip, They did mention that it is proven, without a shadow of doubt that FISH POISON rods catch more blackfish than any other brand??!!!
That they are the leading cause of BLACK DEATH???!!!