09-05-2017, 11:01 AM
With fluke season ending today, I can only tell you that I, along with many other Tackle shop owners , as well as Party Boat owners, Charter Boat owners , Private Boat owners, who enjoy fishing for fluke ,once again got the short end of the stick. Oh, and how about all the other much needed businessmen and woman who have deli"s , restaurants, small shops that count on and rely on the many people who come down to any of the marinas along the Jersey Shore. Please do not put the rods away just yet. I know some people do not like to fish for what we have left ( Porgys) , 1 blackfish, bluefish, not to leave out your 2 flounder or 1 weakfish.....But just maybe you would like to give it a try. Now , more than ever, we need every fisherman and woman to support us. If you do not want to fish, then how about taking a ride and patronize one of your favorite breakfast spots .....Hopefully , we will get a better and more favorable limit next season....Thanks for your patronage.....The staff at Atlantic Bait and Tackle.......