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View Full Version : Big Jamaica Monday Report Bonito - Albacore - Mackerel - Blues - Mahi

09-04-2017, 07:28 PM
Monday​ Report 9/4
Bonito - Albacore - Mackerel - Blues - Mahi
Bonito & Albacore Special Sailing Wednesday 6AM - Space Available

We had a very good day again today (Labor Day)
Anglers that worked their jigs caught plenty of bonito, a few albacore and mackerel.
Everyone caught a mix of bonito, mackerel, and albacore.
We also had several Mahi-mahi around the boat and we landed two. There were a few blues caught.
Both jigs and bait produced today. Small Jigs and epoxy jigs produced more albacore and Bonito but bait also produced good numbers. We had action all day. Everyone caught plenty of fish.
The pool winner was:
Freddie Reisel from Pennsburg, PA with a 14LB Mahi-Mahi.

The weather looks great for Wednesday.
There is a Limited BONITO - ALBACORE SPECIAL 6AM - 2PM

On Thursday & Friday the Paramount will sail for Bonito and albacore while the Jamaica is tuna fishing.

This weekend the Jamaica will be on its weekend schedule for blues, Bonito, and albacore leaving 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday night and 7:30 a.m. Saturday and Sunday.

There is still some space left on our 31 hour Canyon tuna trip leaving 7 a.m. Thursday September 7th.

For further information call 732-528-5014 or go to our website at www.bigjamaica.com


09-05-2017, 04:24 PM
Nice Mahi !!

09-05-2017, 09:54 PM
Mahi Tacos!