Big Mohawk
08-30-2017, 08:36 AM
Well it looks like our Fluke season was cut short this year by the people at NMFS. Now we are faced with the situation where we will not be able to fish for either Fluke or Sea Bass, which is the mainstay of the state of New Jersey at this time of year.
We went along with the 18 1/2in. fish instead of the other options and the longer season. In return, we were told that there would be strong effort to reopen our sea Bass season in September. This fishery has 100% recovery and neither NMFS or the state will allow us to fish for them.
It always seems that whatever happens during the season (weather it has been a good or bad season) we are told that we overfished the species and they plan to take even more fish away from us and shorten our fishing season. It is comical how this operates. The NMFS can care less about the millions of people that are affected by this as long as they are able to keep cutting back our fishing quota and maintain their numbers. It amazes me that these people get away with this flawed data bullshit and that no one in this country will stand up and help us fishermen that do this for a living, people that just do this for enjoyment , and guys that just want to put something good to eat on their table. This is Americas favorite pastime and we have zero rights, no representation and nothing but an oncoming train coming thru the tunnel, lights on, full speed ahead.
The funny thing about a fish is that it has a head and a tail. Fish have different migratory patterns, so they don't always come back to the same area every year! It just doesn't work that way, however the NMFS seem to collect their data from the same spots every year. It is nothing more than a giant waste of the taxpayers money! If this is the way it is going to be then get professional fishermen involved to acquire the data to do 100% of the survey along with NMFS, so there will be no flawed data and everyone will be satisfied with the results. We have all heard of the Boston tea party, well maybe it's time to step up to the plate and have the New Jersey Tea party. It is time for New Jersey to go out of compliance and step up to help the people of NJ, and take back its right to go fishing again! It is time for this government weather it is Federal or State to help us. We are pleading with you! All we want is to earn a living and have the right to fish! If there is anyone out there who is in a position to help us, please come forward. Share this with as many fishermen as possible, before it's to late!
We went along with the 18 1/2in. fish instead of the other options and the longer season. In return, we were told that there would be strong effort to reopen our sea Bass season in September. This fishery has 100% recovery and neither NMFS or the state will allow us to fish for them.
It always seems that whatever happens during the season (weather it has been a good or bad season) we are told that we overfished the species and they plan to take even more fish away from us and shorten our fishing season. It is comical how this operates. The NMFS can care less about the millions of people that are affected by this as long as they are able to keep cutting back our fishing quota and maintain their numbers. It amazes me that these people get away with this flawed data bullshit and that no one in this country will stand up and help us fishermen that do this for a living, people that just do this for enjoyment , and guys that just want to put something good to eat on their table. This is Americas favorite pastime and we have zero rights, no representation and nothing but an oncoming train coming thru the tunnel, lights on, full speed ahead.
The funny thing about a fish is that it has a head and a tail. Fish have different migratory patterns, so they don't always come back to the same area every year! It just doesn't work that way, however the NMFS seem to collect their data from the same spots every year. It is nothing more than a giant waste of the taxpayers money! If this is the way it is going to be then get professional fishermen involved to acquire the data to do 100% of the survey along with NMFS, so there will be no flawed data and everyone will be satisfied with the results. We have all heard of the Boston tea party, well maybe it's time to step up to the plate and have the New Jersey Tea party. It is time for New Jersey to go out of compliance and step up to help the people of NJ, and take back its right to go fishing again! It is time for this government weather it is Federal or State to help us. We are pleading with you! All we want is to earn a living and have the right to fish! If there is anyone out there who is in a position to help us, please come forward. Share this with as many fishermen as possible, before it's to late!