View Full Version : Big Jamaica 8/28 Report- Albacore are Biting!

08-29-2017, 01:56 PM
-8/28 Report-
Albacore are Biting! Another Good Day

Big Jamaica sailed Monday morning at 7:30 a.m. and had another good trip.
We started out the day catching some mackerel, fluke, and sea bass and a few Bonito. It looked good but then the mackerel left and albacore took over the slick.
It was one of the best days of albacore fishing we've had in a couple of years.
It's been a strange season this year. Blue fishing was very disappointing for most of the summer. Our daily trips saw a mix of several species caught to make most days successful.
Recently we had some of the best bonito catches we have seen in a decade.
Now it looks like the albacore are moving in too.
It has been a couple of years since we have had a good run of Albacore. But, they seem to be around in good numbers now.
It's going to be too windy to sail Tuesday and Wednesday but, after that looks good.
I expect to see the good fishing continue. Bluefishing was very good Saturday night, so It should be good again this weekend on Friday and Saturday night when we sail at 7:30PM
Day fishing should continue to be a mix of Bonito, albacore, mackerel, and possibly Blues.

The big Jamaica will sail everyday at 7:30 AM returning approximately 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Labor Day we will have an albacore and Bonito special leaving 6:00AM, returning 2:00PM Space is limited to paid reservations in advance.
Adult fare is $72, Senior $65, Child (under 13) $52.
Spinning rods are available for rent at $10 and conventional gear $5.

Online booking is currently unavailable but, you can call the office during business hours to reserve.

For further information call 732-528-5014


08-29-2017, 02:48 PM
What do your fares do with all of those false albacore? They're inedible. Strip bait? The skippies and greenies are delightful though when properly bleed and iced.

Capt Joe
08-29-2017, 03:23 PM
skippies and greenies????? whats that?

08-29-2017, 03:38 PM
What do your fares do with all of those false albacore? They're inedible. Strip bait? The skippies and greenies are delightful though when properly bleed and iced.

Perfectly edible ... Not to the taste of most, but they can be eaten with some prep... Me?.. I would have thrown them back, but remember, these things beat themselves to death during the fight and then when they are decked...

From wiki..
In preparing Little Tunny for consumption, it should be bled and iced as soon as possible after being caught. There are many ways to eat the Little Tunny, such as Tuna Salad. To do this, the fillets are first baked, then chilled and flaked, then mixed in with the salad. Removing the dark strips of meats that extend the length of each fillet helps to reduce the naturally fishy flavor.[17] Another way to prepare the Little Tunny is first to bleed it, barbecue it in foil, remove the meat from the bone, and then let it chill overnight. Various seasonings can be used to enhance the flavor. Fresh steaks can be quite good if seasoned with salt, pepper and lemon, and thinly sliced tunny makes good sashimi. It is commonly eaten as such in Japan.

08-29-2017, 04:56 PM
skippies and greenies????? whats that?

Skipjack and green bonito. They're often times confused / mixed up.

08-29-2017, 07:59 PM
As long as we're on the edible subject again......

Capt Joe
08-29-2017, 09:46 PM
Skipjack and green bonito. They're often times confused / mixed up.

Didnt see any skipjacks in the pictures and "green" bonito...that must be a sport term never heard that one before. btw those bonito are kick ass eating, raw, cooked, whatever!!!!

Blind Squirrel
08-30-2017, 11:22 AM
What do your fares do with all of those false albacore? They're inedible. Strip bait? The skippies and greenies are delightful though when properly bleed and iced.
Fresh Fat Alberts are very tasty raw. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

08-30-2017, 01:03 PM
Didnt see any skipjacks in the pictures and "green" bonito...that must be a sport term never heard that one before. btw those bonito are kick ass eating, raw, cooked, whatever!!!!

First pic is a pile of tasty green bonito

Capt Joe
08-30-2017, 01:42 PM
if "green" floats your boat go for it, baby!!!!:)