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View Full Version : Sea Robin- Apex Pedator???

08-20-2017, 08:54 PM
If you find this stupid, then keep your thoughts to yourself, but is there anything that eats Sea Robins? They are armored like a Porcupine and eat everything, including pieces of themselves. I have caught tiny ones and sent them back down thinking a big Fluke would grab one, but never. I think they are like Cormorants, they have voracious appetites and just keep multiplying without any predation. I think they make excellent bait for many species and keep alot for that reason, but no one I know, including myself, like eating them. There is an epidemic of them, and unless I'm wrong, maybe we anglers should be trying to reduce the population.

08-20-2017, 09:12 PM
Lots of people eat sea robins. There have been featured articles in magazines recently about sea robin cleaning & cooking.
I've found small ones in the bellies of striped bass.

08-20-2017, 09:51 PM
Hell I give away most of the fluke I catch, but I keep all the birds!! Beer battered and deep fried they make great fish nuggets.

08-21-2017, 06:58 AM
I caught a 30lb striper that had a full grown robin in it's belly.

08-21-2017, 07:08 AM
Stupid or not, if logic follows it won't be long before they're on the protected list like the dogfish were. Or are they still?

Capt Joe
08-21-2017, 10:12 AM
If you find this stupid, then keep your thoughts to yourself,

If you insist.:rolleyes:

08-21-2017, 02:03 PM
In the Mediterranean something that looks very much like them are sold. Mostly used in fish stews like copping and bouillabaisse.

08-21-2017, 04:00 PM
I've seen small Searobbins in the bellys of Stripers, Fluke and Bluefish. Their strips also make great Fluke bait so I have to imagine they do get preditated quite a bit?

08-21-2017, 04:38 PM
They actually are really good, but have a bone structure you need to know of, never thought I'd say it but caught so many 2 weeks ago, gave them a shot, not too bad prepared franchese style ... clean and prep for them is a lot like blowfish
I think they would fare better for soup,stock,or base... just my $.02

Mike K
08-21-2017, 05:01 PM
If you find this stupid, then keep your thoughts to yourself, but is there anything that eats Sea Robins? They are armored like a Porcupine and eat everything, including pieces of themselves. I have caught tiny ones and sent them back down thinking a big Fluke would grab one, but never. I think they are like Cormorants, they have voracious appetites and just keep multiplying without any predation. I think they make excellent bait for many species and keep alot for that reason, but no one I know, including myself, like eating them. There is an epidemic of them, and unless I'm wrong, maybe we anglers should be trying to reduce the population.
I've been fishing a long time (like over 40 years), including many summer days fishing for fluke and the fluke have always outnumbered the Robins by a larger margin. That being said, I agree they make a fine meal if you catch one large enough to get some decent fillets. By the way I once caught a large Bluefish in the LBI surf that had an entire Robin in it's belly.

08-21-2017, 05:25 PM
Ok, I guess I'm wrong. Seems like more people and fish than I thought eat them. I average about 30 every trip, so they seem extra plentiful. Carry on.

08-21-2017, 11:58 PM
Best sashimi I ever ate & ive had every tuna, fluke,sea bass,tog,mackerel,porgy,bonita, pretty much anything ya can eat raw & not get worms. Nothing tastes better filet, bone, rinse add wasabi tastes like shrimp cocktail

08-22-2017, 05:11 AM
I was bringing one up last week and a small brown shark came right up to the boat after it. I pulled it away and kept on dropping it down to him. He stayed around for a couple of minutes trying to eat it. I'm sure if I left it down he would have eaten it but did not feel like losing my rig

08-22-2017, 08:14 AM
Hell I give away most of the fluke I catch, but I keep all the birds!! Beer battered and deep fried they make great fish nuggets.
Yep, I can vauch for Drew, he threw a nice fluke in my cooler on the OE and kept the birds for himself

Reel Class
08-22-2017, 09:41 AM
There was a guy who fished the OLD casino pier in seaside heights in the 80's that loved them. I used to fish there a lot with my dad especially at night catching bluefish and this guy would take all the birds and eat them. One night he convinced us to take a few home and try them --- ....They tasted like crap :cool:

About 10 years later, my buddy convinced me to try them after we caught a load while fluking. Brought a few home, filleted them ---- They still tasted like crap :rolleyes:

Sorry boys... Maybe I'm missing something, but my two experiences were enough for me unless convinced otherwise!

Capt Joe
08-22-2017, 11:07 AM
Sounds like Capt needs to hone culinary skills:D Robins and Ravens good stuff!:)

08-22-2017, 12:48 PM
There was a guy who fished the OLD casino pier in seaside heights in the 80's that loved them. I used to fish there a lot with my dad especially at night catching bluefish and this guy would take all the birds and eat them. One night he convinced us to take a few home and try them --- ....They tasted like crap :cool:

About 10 years later, my buddy convinced me to try them after we caught a load while fluking. Brought a few home, filleted them ---- They still tasted like crap :rolleyes:

Sorry boys... Maybe I'm missing something, but my two experiences were enough for me unless convinced otherwise!
I started eating them a long time ago, and liked them.. Better than Porgies, but not as good as Sea Bass.. Then a few years ago, for whatever reason, they indeed started tasting like crap to me as well, can't say why.. last few I have eaten last year were NASTY... Now i don't know if they are good or bad.. I should try them one more time to see if I like them or hate them... Could be the water temps, place I caught them, who knows... I will try them again, but am gun shy after the last few i have eaten... bob

Reel Class
08-22-2017, 01:35 PM
Sounds like Capt needs to hone culinary skills:D Robins and Ravens good stuff!:)

Ryan/Joe - Ravens are a completely different story they are delicious :D:D

Maybe I need to try them again IDK -- twice was enough for me but am always willing to try again if tempted

Capt Joe
08-22-2017, 02:33 PM
Allen, make sure ya get those clean ocean goin' birds not the one's swimmin around in the sewage.:eek::D

Reel Class
08-22-2017, 03:38 PM
allen, make sure ya get those clean ocean goin' birds not the one's swimmin around in the sewage.:eek::d

Hahahahah I will

08-23-2017, 04:42 PM
Sounds like Capt needs to hone culinary skills:D Robins and Ravens good stuff!:)

Even better on the bone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjzhnyYgcl4

08-24-2017, 11:32 AM
I dunno about that recipe. Yeah that sea robin looked great, but with the attention to detail, careful prep, high end ingredients including piles of butter, being ladled over it, an old workboot would taste good too. even if they still contained the socks...

Capt Joe
08-24-2017, 04:14 PM
Even better on the bone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjzhnyYgcl4

too much work... filet, remove skin, soy/wasabi/ginger...eat. Cook in frying pan...butter... if necessary.:rolleyes:

08-24-2017, 04:35 PM
too much work... filet, remove skin, soy/wasabi/ginger...eat. Cook in frying pan...butter... if necessary.:rolleyes:

Perhaps you need to bleed them immediately..
another catch and cook

08-25-2017, 01:19 AM
for the last five years or so when i am out fishing if i catch a nice size robin it goes in the cooler i cook them the same way i cook sea bass me and my family enjoy them i saw a cooking channel cooking robins they called it gernard or something like that it looked like a sea robin to me so i tried it and its good i recommend them theres a very nice old man who has a small boat he goes out every Wednesday in the summer targets the robins he comes out from the marina by elaine b theres a quite a bit of people that like eating them and they are getting more and more popular you should try one just for kicks i honestly don't think you'll regret it if you like to eat fish try it fillet ing them is a bit tricky i am sure you'll figure it out good luck. to you

08-26-2017, 04:19 AM
I dunno about that recipe. Yeah that sea robin looked great, but with the attention to detail, careful prep, high end ingredients including piles of butter, being ladled over it, an old workboot would taste good too. even if they still contained the socks...

Come, bob...what high end ingredients? Mushrooms and butter? lol

Now if I emulsified some uni into that sauce...I might just do that for my next catch and cook!

08-26-2017, 04:22 AM
too much work... filet, remove skin, soy/wasabi/ginger...eat. Cook in frying pan...butter... if necessary.:rolleyes:

You can skip the mushrooms, but there are few local fish that can stand up to a long roasting process, and sea robin left on the bone is one of them.

They certainly are excellent raw too!

08-26-2017, 06:17 AM
I've eaten them plenty of times and they are delicious. I just pan fry them. I used to fish with a guy that would keep every one that came over the rail too.

08-26-2017, 05:18 PM
Come, bob...what high end ingredients? Mushrooms and butter? lol

Now if I emulsified some uni into that sauce...I might just do that for my next catch and cook!

Was thinking mostly about the Asian mushrooms that looked a lot like chanterelles... They go for $30 a pound everywhere.. The last place I would put them is on a sea robin, but thats just me... bob

Pennsy Guy
08-26-2017, 07:33 PM
Does anyone know if they freeze well(vacuum packed) & for how long? Depending on freeze ability just might try a couple...skate's good too...