View Full Version : 8/17 Offshore

08-17-2017, 10:11 PM
Left the highlands at 0500. Headed SE and got to the grounds around 0700. Found some decent life with tuna chicks and rays. Was strictly a jigging/popping/chunking trip. Bounced around in that area for a bit with no luck and went on the hunt. Headed south another 10 miles or so and came across some scallop boats. Picked a nice mahi off the discharge and a bunch of triggerfish on a floating basket.

Headed back to our original area after hearing of a short bite and after a solid effort, managed to bag a 40lb yellowfin on topwater. Had a bunch of yellows mixed in with the skip Jack's but only managed the one fish. Threw everything at them just one of those days. Didn't hear much go on in the fleet except for a few guys. Great day weather wise and a lot of offshore sights.

08-17-2017, 11:31 PM
Stugots please check your inbox

Gerry Zagorski
08-18-2017, 07:39 AM
Had reports from 2 different buddies that were likley fishing the same area as you and both came up empty. Said there were 40 or so boats working the area and no one seemeed to be doing much as the only saw and 2 or 3 fish caught. Sounds like you were one of the fortunate ones Justin.