08-16-2017, 04:33 PM
FISHERMEN/Big Fluke again today! Another 8 pounder takes the pool.
Didn't have the hot bite like yesterday and we had to bounce around a bit to put a catch together. The fish we did keep were all quality Fluke with a couple of five pound fish, a couple 6 plus including Alan, Richie and Tom. Richie & Steve Captain Chaos with fish over 7 pounds each. Jim & Annie MClean also had a nice 5 and 3 pound Fluke with their sea bass app for dinner.
Pat landed the Pool Fish and it was a Beauty at 8 pounds 10 ounces, keeping his three nice keepers also.
Big Tom had his three and a couple nice Sea Bass but the bummer of the day goes to him TWICE.......First fish in the AM just before the net shakes the head and gone! Second fish was a double digit no doubt, when the fish came to the net it was on the bottom trailer, fish shook hard and the top Buck-tail got caught in the net, not enough room to get the net under the fish, it shook hard took a dive and broke 30lb test leader!!
Some very nice Sea Bass once again in the mix. Great day on the Water..... Back at it tomorrow.
NOTE: Please bring a small cooler with some ice guys and girls. I can not in my right mind give out buckets that turn into swill water and poach your fish by day's end. We cannot mark every Sea Bass, Porgy, Fluke or anything else we catch and keep them in our bait cooler. The crew has enough to do and trying to remember peoples marks when they forget, is just nuts. You don't need a 150 quart for what we are catching these days, but please, bring something!!
Didn't have the hot bite like yesterday and we had to bounce around a bit to put a catch together. The fish we did keep were all quality Fluke with a couple of five pound fish, a couple 6 plus including Alan, Richie and Tom. Richie & Steve Captain Chaos with fish over 7 pounds each. Jim & Annie MClean also had a nice 5 and 3 pound Fluke with their sea bass app for dinner.
Pat landed the Pool Fish and it was a Beauty at 8 pounds 10 ounces, keeping his three nice keepers also.
Big Tom had his three and a couple nice Sea Bass but the bummer of the day goes to him TWICE.......First fish in the AM just before the net shakes the head and gone! Second fish was a double digit no doubt, when the fish came to the net it was on the bottom trailer, fish shook hard and the top Buck-tail got caught in the net, not enough room to get the net under the fish, it shook hard took a dive and broke 30lb test leader!!
Some very nice Sea Bass once again in the mix. Great day on the Water..... Back at it tomorrow.
NOTE: Please bring a small cooler with some ice guys and girls. I can not in my right mind give out buckets that turn into swill water and poach your fish by day's end. We cannot mark every Sea Bass, Porgy, Fluke or anything else we catch and keep them in our bait cooler. The crew has enough to do and trying to remember peoples marks when they forget, is just nuts. You don't need a 150 quart for what we are catching these days, but please, bring something!!