View Full Version : Jamaican Princess Open Boat Tuna Trip Sun Aug 20th

Capt. Ken
08-16-2017, 02:48 PM
We have been booked up pretty solid all summer and have not had a chance to run many open boat trips but I am open this coming Sunday Aug 20th and we are going to be running an open boat trip to the mid shore tuna grounds.

The main focus will be to jig/chunk/troll for Tuna, the bite has been good so now is the time to go!

Trip is going to be limited to five anglers with a cost of $300.00 per person plus tip for the mate. Boat leaves at 4:00am and we will be back in around 4:00pm in the afternoon, price includes everything, all you have to do is bring yourself and whatever you want to eat and drink. If you are interested in coming along give me a call at 732-701-9234 to make a reservation.

Only 2 spots left

Capt. Ken
08-18-2017, 08:21 AM
Still a couple spots left for Sunday....give me a call if your interested!

Capt. Ken
08-19-2017, 06:55 AM
Updated....Only two spots left, weather looks great:D