View Full Version : Tuna alert!

Kevin Bogan
08-15-2017, 01:56 PM
:) We just completed a new set of custom TUNA rods. 6' 40-100 lb. HD 6 brace guides 25-12mm Alps roller tops, BLUE/BLACK /GOLD =Beautiful
$315 ea 10% discount on 4 or more units. Boats name = NO CHARGE!

1 - 7'6" Calstar Graphiter conventional 30-80 Killer Tilefish rod , Tuna Chunk and JIG $385
Phenix Hybrid 7'6" 40-100 $415 7' 375
7'6" Phenix Black Diamond 30-80 $375

08-15-2017, 09:21 PM
My dad did this Friday into Saturday this past wknd on your tile rods. 4 goldens over 50 lbs and 11 goldens from 20 to 45 lbs. He raves about his bogan tile rods!

Kevin Bogan
08-18-2017, 06:09 PM
That's great news. 1- 50 lb is as good as you would want it.
4 over 50 lbs!:eek: I have to take fishing lessons from these guys.;)
Thanks for the heads up.

08-18-2017, 10:04 PM
Here's a few more....love the pic with the loaded rod.