View Full Version : Fisher Price IV 8/10 BFT under limit & YFT

Capt Derek Fisher Price 3
08-10-2017, 08:44 PM
Headed out this morning on our open boat tuna trip with Paul, Brian, Minor and John. Found some life and started to work the area. Got a few skippies and albies right away and then had a double of the right bites. Boated 2 under bluefin around 38". Continued to pound away at the area all day with a pick of yellowfins to around 60# with plenty of skippies and allies keeping the rods bent. Set up on the drift for the last hour and went 1 for 2 on the jig with another under bft coming into the boat and lost a fish on a sardine. Ended the day with 3 under BFT and 5 yellowfins.

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c49/captderek1/IMG_0574_zpsrpogcjen.jpg~original (http://s24.photobucket.com/user/captderek1/media/IMG_0574_zpsrpogcjen.jpg.html)

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c49/captderek1/IMG_0578_zpst7p2v9kt.jpg~original (http://s24.photobucket.com/user/captderek1/media/IMG_0578_zpst7p2v9kt.jpg.html)

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c49/captderek1/IMG_0586_zpsdvtorxy2.jpg~original (http://s24.photobucket.com/user/captderek1/media/IMG_0586_zpsdvtorxy2.jpg.html)