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08-10-2017, 05:55 PM
https://www.greateratlantic.fisheries.noaa.gov/mediacenter/2017/08/07_noaa_fisheries_announces_northern_red_hake_poss ession_limit_reduction.html

BugEye Chris
08-10-2017, 07:16 PM
In my opinion a recreational limit is not far away

08-11-2017, 07:00 AM
They are getting clobbered these days.. Years ago, before GPS, they were only targeted by party boats recreationally, and that was usually in colder weather.
Today, they are sought out by charters, private boats etc, party boats, because other species are scarce or have restrictive bag limits..I have thought for quite a while that bag limits, perhaps even "seasons" would be imposed on Ling. Not a fan of restrictions, but the species is getting pounded, and the habitat where they grow to maturity is getting completely destroyed by draggers... bob