View Full Version : Meccachusetts Massacre - return trip to Nanfluket and Cape Codfish

08-06-2017, 05:41 PM
Was joined by Duffman Dan and his crew, BigfishBob and his, and MVP Alex. Fished 2-day Captain's Special and crushed the Codfish & Pollack; SeaBass and Fluke were merely limits :rolleyes:

Boat (non-sponsor) left Sat morning out of Hyannis, Ma. First stop was in-shore drop & reel Sea Bassing - all Knuckleheads - double headers of 4 and 5 pound Sea Bass. It's a shame the limit is only 5 @ 15", we only made a few drops here but what a fishery. Clams or diamond jigs or squid were chomped on. I was baited with squid, reeling in a double-header when the bigger fish dropped; I was pleasantly surprised that the one that stuck was a 22" fluke :eek: A good sign - catching Fluke in-shore of the Nantucket shoals - nice. We steamed off in search of fluke. Didn't take long to put some impressive doormats in the box. Pool winning fluke was 12.2 lbs with, I think, 2 or 3 others over 10 lbs. I've fished the Shoals before with conditions that forced you to drag bait and 16 oz sinkers - this time we were able to Bucktail :) and it was on. Since Mass limit is 4 and since nearly everyone had at least that, Captain announced we would be heading off to Georges Bank to fish the deep stuff.

Codfishing was drop and reel. Since we fished here both Sat. and Sunday we were able to double-up our daily limits of 10 @ 22" :D Pool winning Cod would not be determined until end-of-trip, so BigfishBob went into the Bunkhouse as our Leader with an 18.5 lb fatty. With all the Cod we caught on Sunday Bob was not optimistic it would take the significant pool - but it did !!

SAturday night we anchored in calm seas while the mates filleted fish until 2am. During this time we were treated to a National Geographic Wild Kingdom adventure as all life in the Sea was drawn to our lights and chum slick from cleaning 100s of fish. Folks who weren't too sore to rest, were treated to lights out Pollack fishing at anchor, while the Birds, Sharks, even stray Mahi-Mahi were observed. When engines started up again at 5:30am I saw there were several Anglers who pulled all-nighters bailing the Pollack.

Sunday Codfishing conditions were quite different but fishing was insane.. Stiff 15-20 knot winds didn't seem to bother us because as soon as you dropped 300' to the bottom you were rewarded. Conditions thru the day actually improved - something this NJ guy is not used to. I can't post pix now but wait til u see the piles of 8-10 lb. Cod we caught. Jigging 20 oz jigs was tuff work and stiff muscles - but oh the joy.

Highlight of the Trip for me was watching a pair of Blue Sharks attack my Codfish 5' from the boat. Duffman has the Video of me cursing like a sailor and fishing like a Nancy when I handed my rod off to a Mate and said - you fight it, not me.

A truly epic adventure, I will be returning to be on the CAptain's Special every year. It was great to fish again with Duff and Alex, and was happy to finally fish with Bob, even though it wasn't in NJ. Duff's buddies Mark & Ray were die-hards but I think we'd all agree that Bob's buddy Steve was puller-of-the-year.

And to all the NJFers who couldn't make this trip . . . :p

Topeka Boy
08-06-2017, 08:26 PM
Sounds like an Epic trip happy for you guys.

08-06-2017, 08:54 PM
Congrats on a fantastic trip Larry and crew , Larry shoot me an email tomorrow I have a question about the N.S

Congrats guys


08-06-2017, 10:24 PM
Just in the door and all I can say is Larry isn't overstating this trip a bit!!! Really really good stuff!

My buds and I did the suicide run. Went up fri nite and shot home right after the boat docked. P.S. I95 sucks!!!!

Will post up some pics tomorrow. Got an s-load of vac packing to do!! Totally spent and sore......and my crew put me in charge of emptying the cooler of beer so the fillet bags would fit....:p.....and I performed admirably!

More to come...

shrimpman steve
08-06-2017, 10:52 PM
Great report guys !!!!
Way to represent

Reel Class
08-07-2017, 06:09 AM

Grateful Dad
08-07-2017, 09:07 AM
Awesome trip, Larry. Glad you guys crushed 'em!
I'm really bummed that my travel plans made me back out, but count me in for next year.

08-07-2017, 02:14 PM
Pics added, hopefully Duff is able to post Video . . .

08-07-2017, 07:42 PM
Great report!

ALS Mako
08-07-2017, 08:45 PM
congrats on a great trip larry. gonna try to make it up there next year.

08-07-2017, 08:52 PM
Nothing like YUGE C bass in da summer, no sense going 80 miles and freezing your butts off in December.

08-07-2017, 09:44 PM
Lovely fishing, and great photos!,,, I don't think there;s any magic mojo in these incredible images from the New England trips our members share here,its all about pressure.. just less of it up there, and more fish to be caught by fewer fishermen.. We are no longer used to it in the NY bight, but we had it too at one time.. In any case, great pics of a great trip... bob

08-08-2017, 06:27 AM
Nice job Skinny let me know if you are going back up this year

08-08-2017, 07:01 AM
Thanks for the Compliment Richie - it's gratifying :)

I forgot to mention that we even got a few Haddock :D, not great quantities, not great size but enuff to savor those great eating snow-white Haddock filets.

The non-sponsor boat only has only this one Captain's Special trip in 2017. Next year they plan several. We'd be honored to have you join us next year -
it's always the first weekend in August. . . .

Pic below is BigfishBob (well deserved screen-name) and Steve-the-puller

08-08-2017, 09:18 AM
2 days later and still sore!! Definitely a good time for anyone considering the trip. Out of 36 hours you have a legit 26-27 hours of fishing time. The guys who opted not to sleep did just that.

Every time I said I was done for the trip I would pick up a rod 5 minutes later and say "one more".

Need to upgrade my cod stuff. Serves me well but way to heavy. Need a rod reel combo that doesn't weigh 10lbs!!!! Suggestions?

Posting some more pics. No idea how to post the short blue dog vid?

......and when Larry compliments YOUR hat...you know you've made the big time...:p

08-08-2017, 09:37 AM
Forgot to mention that on day 2 if you had a Sibiki rig you could of loaded up on Boston Mack anywhere from tinkers to 2lbers

08-08-2017, 09:43 AM

08-08-2017, 10:13 AM
Verrrry nice catching!!!
You gonna be at the meeting on Friday Larry, if so I'll see you there need to pick your brain!

08-08-2017, 10:27 AM
Duffman you crack me up. As i must of heard I am done from you at least a dozen times. There are programs out there that can help you. It all starts with acknowlegement of your sickness. My name is Dan i am a fishaholic. Fishing next to you and your 2 friends was an absolute blast as trip is much more enjoyable when you fish with guys who know what you are doing and work together. I will share a rail with you guys anytime. Can not thank Larry enough for the heads up on the trip and for letting me share room with you Steve and Bob. Truly a fun group and a bunch of gentleman. I have been doing the 2 day Nantucket trips for many years now but the combo trip is the way to go do to the variety of fish you can catch. Larry made fun of me when he saw how many coolers i brought. Now you know why as they were all full and still needed t stop to get more ice for the ride home. Physically it is a demanding trip so i give you guys credit fr staying at the rail even under the sporty conditions on Sunday. The Pollack bite at anchor at night was epic as i had 12 fish on my first 13 cast. Going to have to blame Capt Joe for that one as most people were happy to call it a night until he started casting his jig from the top deck and catching pollack. once that happened half the boat came out and the boston Mascarre had began. This will now become a yearly tradition for me until my body says i can not do it any longer.

08-08-2017, 03:26 PM
When I lived in Boston I would do summertime overnighters to Georges Bank out of Gloucester. This was 20 years ago and it looks like nothing has changed. Pull on Cod & Pollock until your arms fall off. Congrats on a great trip guys.

08-08-2017, 03:36 PM
Did Matt not work the trip?
I've never seen that many photos and him not in one
Oh wait none of you are pretty girls

Amazing trip and report, wish I was there

08-08-2017, 06:03 PM
Did Matt not work the trip?
I've never seen that many photos and him not in one
Oh wait none of you are pretty girls

Amazing trip and report, wish I was there

Matt ran the deck. Hell of guy. He got out some braid tangles that I thought for sure were cut and throw away. Truely a skilled deck boss.

Only pic I could find with him. That's his back...:D

08-08-2017, 07:04 PM
Great report and better catching Larry Alex Duff and rest of crew. Great read.
Alex you are always the gentleman and silent catcher.
Larry looks like you are having a blast in those new Aqua Skins Weight reduction suits with matching hats:D
Duff: I can forgive the bruins shirt based on where you were fishing and my respect for Hockey but did you have to ruin those great fish pictures with the Cowgirls hat? :p

Nice job by all!

Hunter 2
08-09-2017, 12:10 PM
Great trip!

Topeka Boy
08-09-2017, 03:46 PM
:D My Buddy Big Fish Bob With his 18+ pool Fish. Really nice Cod Fish.