View Full Version : Andreas Toy Canyon Tuna with Mike Ferrell

Andreas Toy
08-06-2017, 03:14 PM
Had new customer Mike with son Damien and buddy
Gonzalo from Argentina on board. Had this weekend to
Make the trip happen, Mother Nature gave me a very
Small window yesterday and we Took the shot. Got to the
Canyon after the bite was over due to morning storm,
Had our first bite in 5 minutes boxing a 70lb yellow,
Had some more misses and lost a fish, then things slowed.
Found another body of fish missed a few more and lost
A marlin. Knew I had an hour to get some mahi before the
Weather window slammed shut on me, found tons of mahi
But not sure if approaching front or full moon had them on
Lockjaw so we made the sprint home early.

Nancy's Boys
08-06-2017, 03:30 PM
Great job! Great effort as always!

08-06-2017, 05:42 PM
WTG and good planning