View Full Version : Florida keys info. Looking ahead

08-06-2017, 10:09 AM
Hi All, This may seem kind of early but, I need some intel for our next year family vacation which i'm going to book in January.

Heading to either Islamorada or Marathon next July . Heres the thing, i have a daughter who is 15 who loves to fish and already knows what she wants to target: Mahi Mahi, Tarpon, and Permit in that order LOL. My son 12 gets motion sickness and can't get out on the open water, I want him to be able to catch and take his mind off that motion feeling. I need to satisfy both. Bottom fishing i think would be a good option as well Any info. on what charter boat capt's you recommend/ Part Boats so they both can have a great experiance? I will most likely take my daughter out seperately for her species and take the wife and two kids out maybe in the flats where it's calm. Thanks for any info you can provide.


08-06-2017, 01:02 PM
Jack Carlson @ Two Conchs Sportfishing in Marathon. Jack & his guys are the best I've fished with in the Keys. Inshore, Gulf, Offshore.

Have your son try taking Ginger tablets the night before & the day of a trip.
They've worked for several members of my family to avoid sea sickness. You can get them at a vitamin store like GNC.

Irish Jigger
08-06-2017, 04:25 PM
Islamorada the Cheeca Lodge is top notch with boats from Bud and Mary's picking you up at the resort.


Marathon Hawks Cay is top notch as well fishing on the Tail Walker Charters.


08-06-2017, 07:53 PM
If you end up in Marathon then I highly recommend Capt. Jeff Rella of Superfish Sportfishing. Also in the same marina is the Marathon Lady party boat.

08-06-2017, 08:07 PM
For the calm water half day fishing trip I would highly recommend the Marathon Lady, great crew, fun fishing.

08-07-2017, 06:38 AM
as Jigger said Hawks Cay is a great place you never have to leave unless you want too, Tail Walker charters are out standing and you have numerous other boats to fish from their, if you are serious about staying there reach out to me my brother was a charter boat Capt for over 30 years their untill he passed away last year

08-07-2017, 11:08 PM
Thanks guys, will look into those suggestions.


RU fishin'
08-07-2017, 11:53 PM
If staying in Islamorada I would recommend Captain Xavier Figueredo of Bay & Reef Company located in Angler House Marina at mile marker 80.5 I have been fishing with him for many years & always is excellent & will target any species you request.

08-08-2017, 09:03 AM
I was just in Hawks Cay in June. Something for everyone in the family. As suggested Tailwalker will put you on the Mahi.

You can also rent a Parker 21 CC for a day or half day. Choose your day carefully weather wise and you will have flat calm seas to head out to the reef and fish. It's literally drop and reel so the kids will stay engaged and won't get sick.

08-08-2017, 01:33 PM
Capt. Derek Rust of "RUSTY FLY Charters" out of HawksCay is excellent for sightfishing tarpon, bonefish, permit, etc in the flats... As good as it gets. Hes got a skiff that goes 50 mph but drafts in less than a foot of water for 1 or 2 ppl and he's got a 20 ft bay boat for 2 or 3 ppl. Feels like you're hunting more than fishing, one of my favorite guides I use down there.

I echo Skolmann's sentiment on Jeff Rella--superfish charters. He's excellent, very good with kids and makes it fun for everyone's skill level. Very nice 2008 34' Sea Vee with twin Suzukis.

If you do check out HawksCay, Jack's Son Austin on the TwoConchs 2 is good says a couple of buddies of mine. He is very active on instagram as well @TwoConchs2