View Full Version : Roosters Flukin 7-28-2017

07-28-2017, 07:15 PM
No wind, no drift at 7AM as Tom and I setup our first drift at the East end of the breakwater at Atlantic Highlands Marina getting ready to head out looking for our favorite flatfish. In less than 15 minutes I had my first keeper Fluke @ 18”,I haven’t caught a keeper in two or three weeks. By 8:15 AM I had my limit, I turned to Tom and said I’am ready to go home, but he would have none of that.

After a short while I landed a Fluke @20”, Tom soon followed with a keeper Fluke. The fish were concentrated under what appeared to be Rainfish, under them Snapper Blues. The Rainfish stayed for hours at the end of the rockpile, fish the Rainfish and land Fluke, a first for me!

The morning was very hot and uncomfortable with no wind, as the wind picked up we returned to our slip at 11AM with five keepers, where we submitted an interview with fish inspecter. Tom drew a crowd at the fillet table and scored large Killies in his trap. Today we fished Killies with great success as the fish were very aggressvive and no Sea Robins to use as bait as the crabs were bothersome. Pete

Salty Dog
07-28-2017, 07:55 PM
After reading all your reports , happy that you finally found a nice patch of fish . Makes it all worth while . Nice going .

07-28-2017, 08:38 PM
Looks like its time to start fluking, thanks for the report pete