View Full Version : Unstoppable Fish
07-28-2017, 06:58 AM
I was fishing by Rockaway yesterday and hooked what I thought was a Cownose ray at first. I have always been able to get them boat side after about 15 mins on fluke gear. This fish started to come up, but then turned and could not be stopped. I spent about 40mins even backing down on the fish at 5mph but gave up and broke it off. Has anybody tangled with anything like that in that area?
07-28-2017, 07:07 AM
Could have been a big ray, not necessarily only a cow nose, or a big drum. Not familiar with the area you were fishing but based on your description of the fight could be either. My son caught this one last year off Asbury and it took almost a half hour to land. Amazingingly strong fish.
07-28-2017, 07:30 AM
Thats happened to me.. BIG Ray of some type, Drum as stated, Sturgeon, possibly a big Brown Shark.. I would bet on a big ray.. I have seen those things cruising, as big as the bed of a pickup...
07-28-2017, 07:57 AM
Those big rays stay down and move kind of slow. Drums a bit faster but not much. Any runs? That would indicate shark. At any rate I got stuck on the part where you said I gave up and broke him off. :)
07-28-2017, 08:25 AM
Sounds like a big ray. I've seen a few rays that look like they could swallow a cow nosed ray.
i think a shark or a drum would've shown itself considering the 40 minute battle?
or maybe a russian submarine?
07-28-2017, 09:21 AM
From what you're describing, I would think big ray, no fast runs and slow and steady after almost coming up at first.
Parker Joe
07-28-2017, 04:02 PM
Happen to me the other day, hooked up on a BUCKTAIL and fought for about 20 minutes.Biggest fish I had ever caught on a fluke rig.Finally got it up to the surface and it was a shark about 7 feet long estimated bout 150 lbs. My quess after looking at an ID chart was it may have been a Bull
Shark. No pic as my buddy's phone did not get the shot. Second time in two weeks.First time did not get going to far as it cut thru the line.Had this one hooked in snout.Broke off after it was up top and we got to see.
07-28-2017, 08:48 PM
Hooked and landed 2 40lb Cow Nose in that spot on Sunday. Broke off a third. The Fluke shut down after they're arrival. But that's the allure of ocean fishing, could have been anything
07-28-2017, 10:42 PM
You gave up on the fish and broke it off? :eek: My goodness...the "What was it" would haunt my dreams forever. Part of the fun of just never know.
07-28-2017, 11:03 PM
I agree
See it first then brake it off
It would haunt me
What if it were a 200 lb mako???
Steaks for a year
07-28-2017, 11:04 PM
And a great story
Reel Class
07-30-2017, 02:40 PM
why would you break it off????
07-30-2017, 04:33 PM
why would you break it off????
After such a such a long time of no runs or headshake or thumping or anything that would lead me to think it was something I cared about boating, I got back to fluke fishing. Im not that patient of a person, and spent way more time on it than I normally would. A 40lb Ray would explain it. I"ve never caught one that big.
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